Chapter Eight

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Song - "Candlelight Vigil : Marco Beltrami, Marcus Trumpp"

    We bolted into camp. Bellamy held Finn as we all yelled for Clarke. She was are only hope in saving him. He was still breathing, but barely. She ordered us to take him into the drop ship as quickly as possible, while still being mindful of the knife in him.

    This new girl named Raven started working hard to get the radio working again so that Clarke could make contact with her mother to help Finn. I felt overwhelmed with everything going on and with everyone panicking around, I needed to get off of the camp ground for a minute.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bellamy asked as he grabbed my arm.

"I just need a minute."

He scoffed, "Yeah, right. Why were you defending that grounder?"

"Because he saved our lives." I explained. "That spear that hit Jenna was actually meant—"

He cut me off. "I saved your life, Y/n! For all you know, he was keeping you two alive to use you as bait for one of their traps."

I shook my head. "One minute you hate me, the next you act like I'm the only person you want to be around. Make up your fucking mind. I can't take it any more, Bellamy." I stormed off to my tent.

    As I sat myself down on my "bed", I looked over at the book that Murphy had given me on my birthday. I hadn't touched it since then — since he betrayed me. I took a deep breath in before grabbing it and flipping through the pages. My mother would read it to me every night before bed. Time was lost as my eyes scanned the many quotes about love, morality, and respect. The rain then became heavier and Jasper ran into the tent.

"C'mon, Y/n. Everyone's heading into the drop ship. The storm's getting too bad." He explained. I nodded my head and followed him into the drop ship — bringing the book with me.  It was crowded inside and Finn was still passed out on the table. That was when I realized that Raven and Clarke had finally made contact with the Ark.

"What can I do to help?" I asked as I set the book down in a corner.

"I need a needle." Clarke told me and began to hunt through the emergency medical kit. Before finding what looked to be a sharp enough needle. I then handed it off to her.

Someone then announced that Bellamy and the others were back from wherever they crept off to during the day. When his other two goons entered the ship, they entered with the grounder that had saved Octavia and I.

"What the hell did you do?!" I asked as I walked over to Bellamy.

"It's time to get some answers." He announced.

"You mean revenge?" Octavia asked.

"I mean intel." He corrected before looking to Daniel. "Get him upstairs."

    They took the grounder upstairs while Clarke and Raven started to work on Finn. Clarke's mother talked her. Octavia and I had a bad feeling about the grounder though. With one look we decided to head upstairs to see what the case was.

    They had chained him up — one arm and leg to each pole. I was the first one to enter the room and his eyes shot to mine. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He didn't deserve any of this.

"Get out!" Bellamy ordered us.

"We told you." Octavia fought. "He was protecting us. You didn't have to do this."

"This isn't about either of you." He spat. "I'm doing this for all of us."

"You did that for all of us?" I asked as I looked over the grounder's bleeding face.

Bellamy shook his head. "I did that for Diggs, and John, and Jenna, and Finn and your brother, Y/n." His voice crescendoed.

"It wasn't even him."

"You don't know that!"

"I saw Jenna die right in front of me!" I yelled.

He was only getting angrier. "We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now." He started to walk towards the grounder with violence in his eyes.

Octavia grabbed his arm. "No, Bellamy, please."

He retracted his arm from her grasp. "Get her out of here. Get them both out of here." He ordered his goons. Octavia shook her head and went willingly — not wanting to put up a fight. "I don't think he even speaks English. He won't understand you." Octavia said before heading back down.

    Clarke then made her way upstairs with the knife Finn was stabbed with. She was appalled by the sight before her. "Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now."

"Who cares?" Bellamy said.

"His people will care."

I stepped into the conversation. "Clarke, how's Finn?"

She then looked over to the grounder and made her way over to him, holding up the knife. "What's on this?" She asked him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"He poisoned the blade." She explained. "All this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did. What is it?! Is there an antidote?!"

"He doesn't understand you." I explained.

"Vials." Bellamy whispered to himself before looking through the grounders bag. "It's gotta be here." Clarke dropped the knife to help him look.

"Which one?!" Clarke panicked with five vials in her hand.

"Show us. Please." Octavia tried, but he still didn't answer.

"Which one?" Clarke cried. "Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that."

When Bellamy realized that he wasn't going to tell us, his tone became angrier. "I'll get him to talk." He prepped to strike him across the face, but I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Bellamy, no!"

"He wants Finn to die. His people speared you brother through the chest. Why can't you see that?"

"This isn't who we are. He was protecting us." Octavia added.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy shouted.

"Do whatever's necessary." Clarke told Bellamy before he cut the grounders shirt off to prep to whip him. Is this really what we've become?

"Bellamy, please..." I begged.

"No one's asking for you to watch, Y/n." He looked me up and down. "No one's asking either of you."

    They whipped him for what felt like eternity. His grunts of pain were agony to hear. He still wasn't going to tell us the antidote though. He'd probably let Bellamy kill him before revealing it to us. The more pain they put him through, the more I felt like I was going to pass out. Finn was running out of time and this was getting us nowhere. I looked down to the knife that Finn was stabbed with. An idea sparked in my mind and I was quick to pick it up and slice it through my arm.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Bellamy freaked out.

I took a deep breath in before looking at the grounder. "He won't let me die." I played out the files on the ground and began to tap at each one until he nodded that that was the cure. I handed it off to Clarke who then bolted downstairs to save Finn.

Bellamy tried to help me up, but I quickly pushed him away. "Don't touch me, Bellamy."

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