Part 11

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The tension was thick as she turned eyes tuned to the intricate tile floors instead of Tre. His hands steadying the movement - still holding her hips attentively. Her heart beating like a timpani and reverberating. There was no going back from this ever - no matter what the outcome or how long it lasted. The fear of things floating up shits creek makes Elle close her eyes in silent prayer. She'd been burned before, it hurt and she hadn't felt nearly the same way about Cameron.

Tre doesn't move, giving Elle the time she needs to resolve her feelings. Her eyes open slowly as she stomachs the truth of things. Tre had never been the object of her affections beyond a crush but she'd trusted him her whole life. Their hands find each other as Elle takes a step back looking up at him finally. Their eyes see each other for the first time as lovers, their subdued smiles acknowledging all the shared understanding they'd built as friends.

The kiss is slower, less hormonal, more meaningful. Tre's hand slides up to her waist as the other holds the back of her head pressing her against him. He'd never wanted anyone more.

Breaking the kiss he leads her into the bedroom sitting her on the edge of the bed and procuring some condoms. His attentive gaze makes her blush. She feels seen, she feels like a woman.

"I'm out of practice so you'll have to take it easy on me okay?" Elle asks with a voice like velvet.

Tre scoffs looking her over in her pink satin neglige, nipples hard, thick thighs on display, her beautiful face and eyes looking back at him.

"You're getting it easy, but it won't be for me" he admits pecking her lips. Elles hand is slapped away from his waistband as Tre pushes her to lay on her back. "Not yet, I know you're impressed" he teases getting on his knees to service her. Her heart races in fear, wanting to run until the sensation from his tongue takes over leaving her heart racing for more. She writhes in pleasure silently, rooting, gasping, moaning in the bed uttering obscenities and enjoying every moment. Tre's eyes are ever attuned taking mental notes as he gets off more and more with every encouraging moan.

"I'm gonna..." Elle trails at the unfamiliar feeling before the rush. Tre wastes no time once she's returned to, removing his pants and freeing his manhood.

Laying on her stomach her arms are pulled behind her and crossed into an X as Tre holds them in place as an anchor to deepen his strokes. Elles whimpers and moans fill the room, with the sounds of skin clapping as his long strokes come to an end. The sensation is electric and so is the pressure of the position and him inside her.

"You like that huh?" Tre grits as her back arches allowing him more room.

"Mhmm" she groans as he thrusts hard and fast at her response grinding a rhythm to ease the initial shock. "Don't stop" she mewls beyond cloud nine. His girth stimulating her clit with every stroke. "Baby..." Elle whimpers unable to finish as his grip around her arms tightens like a vice and he pushes harder to go deeper with his impressive length.

There were no words for how she felt around Tre's dick, even with a layer of protection between them. Knowing he was liable to blow at any given moment as her walls grip him tight. Her moans sound more frequent and she tightens around him before climaxing and he lets her arms go as he comes too.

They pant in unison trying to handle the current rushing through them. Tre moves quickly strapping up again and moving Elle onto her back so they can share a kiss.

"You're dick is perfect" Elle pants baring it all for him. She'd be throughly fucked, in ways shed only seen in movies and failed to experience with her asshole selfish ex.

Tre had worshipped every part of her, putting all of her needs before his own need for total control and dominance. He'd given her an incredible tour of the facilities and how they would work for her. Sitting up to meet him kneeling above her she kisses his plump lips softly. She'd been good at submitting to his direction all night but Tre could see the want in her eyes.

"What?" He asks dick in hand.

"Can we do it face to face?" Her posture is like she's asking something ridiculous. "I just want to be able to kiss you while you're inside me" she justifies sweetly.

"You want more" Tre smirks opening her legs and getting between them.

"Mhmm" Elle blushes.

"You're gonna run me dry" his voice is deep as he slides the first few inches of himself in. Elles eyes don't leave his smiling as he leans down to kiss her like she asked. "Fuuuuuck" He groans as Elle sucks in air at the sensation.

He feels a strange sense of appreciation and satisfaction watching her take all of him so willingly. Her pretty eyes opening and closing as she gets more and more delirious, her natural submission and willingness to do as he pleases.

Testing her flexibility he leans forward to get better access flushing her legs back onto her chest and her moans don't stop when he starts kissing her again. Rigged breaths, light flairs and deafening white noise with a rush of sensation as she lets go reaching her limit and surrendering to it completely. Letting her have her moment he pulls away to taste her. She comes to it slowly before he pulls her to her knees asserting his dominance through his gesture and eye contact.

"Don't waste a drop" he says taking her chin and kissing her lips before letting go and letting Elle show him what she's got.


Authors Note: And there we have it folks - they've finally done the nasty. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great week! Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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