Part 9

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Elle could feel the energy between them. Tre could too. Sitting eating snow cones by the beach - the wind blowing through Elles hair creating the perfect picture. They'd managed to behave like adults, keeping their hands to themselves and the PDA to a minimum but it didn't mean Tre didn't have to subdue his other thoughts. It didn't mean the connection between them wasn't white hot.

"Last museum"

"I thought we visited all of them?" Elle shrugs.

"Not the sex museum, maybe you can ask me your questions there?" Tre rises with an outreached hand. Elles puzzled expression makes him smile. Taking his hand she follows as he leads the way.

Upon entry; dicks are everywhere. They easily out do the lady parts. Elle is drawn to the section on burlesque, the costumes, the routines - all of it.

"So you're a tease that likes to play dress up, look but don't touch" Tre says standing behind her and putting a kiss in her neck and drawing his own conclusion.

"I've never done nothing like that Tre" Elle laughs amused at the thought. Elle stops seeing a canopy bed with posts to make handcuffing and restraints easy. "Have you ever used that?" Elle asks pointing only to get a nod.

"Yes" he affirms.

"If you don't mind telling me what turned you off of sex?" Tre asks as they walk around the BDSM section.

"It was okay at first, but then it wasn't, then it was the same excuse every time and I'd get nothing out of it but a tension headache and I thought something was wrong with me for a long time" Elle explains omitting the nitty grits details the mechanics.

"Did he make you come, was there not enough foreplay, was it uncomfortable?" Tre asks the same questions her shrink had.

"No. No and it was just bad" Elle shrugs openly. Tre shakes his head completely irritated at the idea of someone not fully respecting a woman like Elle.

"I did some research, there are names and safe words - do you follow those"

"Yes" Tre nods. "It's very important especially in the beginning; when limits are being tested. I was never in relationships with the women who was my subs - it was just for fun, no strings. So boundaries were the small talk, set the expectation and move forward" he explains like its transactional.

"Whats your favourite thing?" Tre smiles.

"Not yet" he refuses.

"Come on you can tell me" Elle laughs only for him to shake his head in refusal.

"When it happens, I'll let you know" he chuckles. "But aside from that I've always wanted to take my lady out while she has a vibrator that I control in her and watch her try to keep calm." He smiles making Elle do the same.

"Thats fucked up Tre" Elle laughs. "I'd just take it out"

"Then you'd be punished"

"Then what is she supposed to do text you the safe word to stop?"

"There could be a hand signal" he reasons.

"And you'd just stop just like that?" Elle asks.

"The arrangement only works if theres respect on both ends" his words plunge Elle into thought as her eyes take in all the sights around her.

"How do you feel about it, talk to me" Tre comments fully attentive to the change in her energy. Elle could sense his nerves returning, his eyes wanting her approval.

Elle shrugs taking a deep breath before smiling, "I know what bad sex is like and I wouldn't want to be that for you. That's my biggest reservation now. My safe word would be siren" Elle winks the last part making him smile. "You're not allowed to call me pet ever" Elle asserts conceding to trying things out without an official declaration. Tre's stunned still as she continues looking around - her ass looking even better in her jeans.

Jeans. His least favourite article of clothing for women to be in. It was practically armour.

"Are you on birth control?" He asks discreetly.


"Well that should happen, my doctor is incredible - best stuff without negative repercussions later".

"No rules?"

"Honesty, I want to know when you do anything sexual. What you liked about it, all your visions, reveries, turn ons. I have to know about them" He continues as they leave hand in hand. "You don't have to keep secrets, ask, tell me. You're not just a sub to me - we're a lot more than that to each other" he explains.

"Okay my knight and shining armour" Elle teases.

"That has a nice ring to it" he jokes back.

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