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A night out with Tre was a lot for Elle to reconcile. Her first crush, the only man she'd truly admired. The way he'd always made her feel smart - even when he was the genius. The way he always listened. Her hand goes to the bracelet, a totem of his appreciation. The alcohol makes for a stir of emotions.

"I'm sorry" she blurts as they walk the strip.

"Sorry for what? Are we not having an amazing time?" Tre asks. He'd never seen this side of Elle. The grown up head turner, impressive at holding her liquor.

"About reacting so poorly to Lily, mistrusting you when you've always been there" Elle speaks looking down at the pavement.

Tre sighs looking down at Elle. She'd always been a sweetheart. "That's not the kind of relationship we're going to have. You're entitled to your feelings. I dropped the ball and I won't do it again. We're here now" his eyes are decisive.

Overwhelmed and validated Elle breathes needing reprieve for the influx of very real feelings.


"I don't know, it's just the way you look at me. It makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. There's nothing you say that doesn't come true so a relationship - I don't know Tre it makes me excited about something." She shrugs tucking her hair behind her ears. "You have all this stuff going on and you're here with me"

Tre stops sitting on a bench inviting Elle to do the same. Elle talking about her feelings was a rarity. It wasn't something they were brought up doing.

"Stop" Elle laughs hiding her face. There was so much Tre had to say. He'd always loved her but somewhere between going away to college, starting the company and then the girls going away to college and Elle getting in a relationship he'd missed out on the woman she'd become.

"I know you thing words are cheap Elle but I've never felt how I feel about you with anyone else. Ever" he articulates. "And you've always been right here and it's been a long time and I'm impressed and interested, I want to know everything, if you'll let me" he confesses making Elle smile.

What a man.

The sparkle in her eye returns and Tre leans in for a quick kiss.

"Now lets have some real fun and outdrink everyone here" She smiles standing with her coquettish demeanour.

Elle couldn't stop smiling as her and Tre chugged the south beach delicacies, dancing on the makeshift dance floors and going in and out of the clubs on the strip making friends everywhere there went. She was still that happy girl turning heads and making people smile, the life of the party and down for a good time. He could see the lust in the eyes of other men but she was his - he could feel it. Her eyes never lingered on anyone else and their connection remained strong as so many times her eyes asked him for permission, for another cocktail, to salsa with one of the bands, to karaoke.

They were polar opposites but Elle had always taken him seriously and make him feel like a man.

"Tre" she hiccups sloshed, it was a miracle she was even standing upright while in four inch stiletto sandals.

"Wanna know one of my favourite song interludes? Its pretty sexy and I think about it when I'm with you" Elle says breathy with low eyes, finally feeling the after effects of a tequila high.

"What is it?" He asks ushering her towards the car.

"No can't" she giggles self conscious and barely making sense.

"Come on" he smiles getting a side eye.

"Tre, I'm drunk" Elle giggles wrapping her arms around his neck and his hands hold her waist as he looks down to kiss her.

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