Part 5

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Jogging up the stairs after a long day at his lab Tre hears music coming from Elles room. His mothers were at the beach and he knew that. He knocks at her open door to find her in the mirror doing her hair.

"What are you up to?" Tre asks kissing her forehead and sitting on the couch.

"Shopping, Ginas out so are our moms. There's a party tonight"

"Party where?" Tre asks.

"I don't know I'm just going with Gina and I need an outfit" Elle responds as Tre adjusts his position on the chair getting a Tiffany blue box from his pocket and placing it in front of her.

"I was out and one of my mentors was getting something for his daughter"

"What?" Elle smiles looking at him and not the gift.

"Keychain for some overpriced car for a kid but that's none of my business" Tre comments making Elle laugh. "Not enough safety features and too much power for a sixteen year old Im serious Elle. What kid needs a Ferrari?"

"One with rich parents. You're telling me if you have a daughter and she wants a Ferrari you'll say no"

"I'm smarter than saying no but I'd get it for her and make sure it had the necessary safety features" he says honestly making Elle laugh and open the box. Goosebumps appear in seconds as she turns to face him with a big smile.

"Tre" she smiles handing it to him to put it on her and he does fulfilled by her reaction.

"I remember how much you wanted it"

"I forgot all about that" Elle laughs admiring the return to Tiffany bracelet she obsessed over as a kid. "Thanks Tre" she adjusts the bracelet happily. "Do I look like an early 00's dream girl?" Elle teases making him laugh.

"Better" he says as his business line rings. "I'll be right back, I'll come with you" he says heading out.


Elle was an Olympic shopper. Decisive and direct with her eye on the prize always knowing what she wants so there's no need to spend too much time anywhere where things aren't. Somehow still she was a whirlwind to keep up with pulling dress after dress. Gina would have him in Gucci but Elle passed Barney's for at regular stores fanning him off to assure him she's a regular girl.

They'd argued for five minutes about how it made him look under the pretence of him as a boyfriend before she conceded. Miserably.

"Tre" a buxom brunette with a very impressive top shelf says. "Heard you settled down, is this your new pet?" The girl smiles confusing the shit out of Elle who looks up at Tre. He swallows shitting himself.

"I'm no ones pet" Elle defends herself making the woman's face contort.

"I'm sorry" her smile fades relatively genuine. It's another loop until his friend Rob emerges holding take out containers.

"Tre" he smiles. "Elle" he continues.

"Rob I'll call you" Tre says taking elles hand but she takes hers back heading to the car not knowing how or what to feel. He puts the bags in the trunk getting in and looking her over.

"You know I get the door for you"

"But you can't defend me. Shut up" Elle folds her arms annoyed with him. He sighs again leaving the parking garage and getting on the freeway back to his place.

"So you're just going to ignore me?"

"No I'm going to embarrass you tonight like you embarrassed me just now. Your pet is going to behave terribly" Elle Informs her irritation rising. Tre was the last person in the world she expected that to ever happen with.

"She wasn't being derogatory, lily talks too much but she's not a bad person" Tre snaps under pressure.

"She wasn't being derogatory? She looked at you like a gourmet dinner then asked me if I was a pet like it was some big joke. And she knows your best friend so she's not some stranger" Elle explains.

"I'd never let anyone disrespect you ever, Elle and you know that"

"I thought I did" Elle responds with sad eyes forcing Tre to grip the wheel out of frustration.

"Have you heard of BDSM"

"I'm not twelve" Elle snaps annoyed. "What the hell"

"I'm a Dom" he says forcing Elles mouth shut and her eyes open.

"What?!" Her tone is laced in confusion and disbelief.

"I was with an older woman as a sub first. Sub is short for submissive. But then things ended with us and I was working for Rob on the side providing his club security. It was a sex club. I know I'm disgusting and it's deplorable. It's above the board, blood work, clean bill of health all that. It got old and I stopped going to the parties but I'd still see the girls from time to time. Respectably they were pets. It's not degrading just like people take great care of their pets the premise is the same thing just the context is sex - sometimes a relationship. I've been focused on getting you all down here with me. So I haven't been there in over a month. I'm sure there was some talk at the party about you being the reason. Lily spoke out of turn, she misinterpreted things." He finished as Elles head spins so fast she opens the window to quell her nausea.

Silence befalls the car again Elle at a loss for words.

"What does everyone know that's what you're into"

"No, the club is very discrete. Girls wear blindfolds most of the time with their customers. Parties work differently but my work crowd doesn't know that's what I'm into. Security and discretion is the key to Robs business" Tre stammers a little through his response.

"You can like what you like Tre but friendly or otherwise I'm not a pet. I don't care if that girl thinks it's an honour" Elle reasons still offended and Tre is rejected by her when he tries taking her hand.

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to Lily"

"Spank her she'd probably like that" Elle mutters completely upset.

"Elle" Tre reasons.

"I'll get over it I just need some time."

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