Part 3

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Tre smiles seeing all the girls in his home in the living room like it's a beauty parlour. He'd missed it more than anything. There was a time when they were all they had in the world. His dad hadn't been in his life much. His mom had struggled. He'd tried to help out when he could. Then Gina and Elle had become friends and she spent so many days at their house. Then Nina his mom and Jo, Elles mom got close. They were their own little village, thick as thieves.

"I have a surprise for you ladies" he charms getting a loving look from his mother.

"I hope mine is the nicest big brother" Gina chimes and Tre hands each of them a letter addressed to them. They all open them in silence and Elles eyes are the first to his in shock before the screaming starts from Gina.

"Baby, I cant take this" his mother says with a trembling hand and a lightening heart beat.

"Yes mom you can" he reasons.

"Tre, you might need this" Jo adds.

"I don't and there's not a single lie there on that paper" he explains causing the mothers to blink in disbelief.

"Thank you" Gina squeals squeezing him tight.

"You're welcome" he kisses his sisters cheek happy to see her happy.

"A hundred grand a year after taxes for being family, shit Tre!" Gina smiles jumping for joy.

"Just accept it, you've worked hard enough momma and momma Joe. I'm in a position to help now - let me." Tre explains too good to be true.

"What about when you want to start your own family, you're going to need" the selfless women continue.

"Mom, haven't I always been dependable? Trust me when I say this is safe, it's fully legal, it's not even fully what you deserve but I won't accept any of you not accepting it" Tre puts his foot down. Elle sits in utter shock still unable to move.

"Baby" his mother says and the water works start from both of them - years worth of weights off of their shoulders. He tries staying strong as they hug him but the tears fall. They didn't have to do anything anymore, except for live their life and answer his phone calls to make 100k after taxes each year. Everyone's dream job and a long time coming for the mothers that did everything to be there for heir kids. They'd become best friends through their daughters and had been the only people to make him feel like he was good enough.

The hysteria dies and Jo looks at Elle holding the letter with shock still in her eyes - the only person who hadn't shed a tear.

"Tre" she sighs having read the letter through. There were other perks, other ridiculously thoughtful perks.

"If I start crying, it'll be very ugly" she swallows feeling overwhelmed and emotional but the tears roll in like a storm as she walks into his arms genuinely appreciative. She'd always been a sweetheart. She wanted nothing more than to unburden her mother and herself and Tre just swoops in with pure intentions to save the day. It turns into a group hug and seeing them happy makes him feel like he's won the Nobel piece prize.


Jo had always been an early riser, she never had a son but she loved Tre like he was her own. He was shy and introverted but he loved talking the load off. They bonded over making breakfast.

"Morning Angel" she smiles and he gives her a coffee starting on his morning smoothie before smelling one of her world famous omelette.

"Morning Ma, you don't have to" he smiles.

"You're still my angel and I'm here - so I might as well" she justifies handing him the plate. There's nothing for him to do but smile accept the dish. "You got Ellie to show emotion, she's been pretty distant and bogged up lately" Jo comments.

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