Part 10

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Elle found herself in the mirror not recognizing her own reflection. Her palms were clammier than ever as her heart races. It'd taken her twenty minutes to be satisfied with her eyebrows that usually took two a pop. The rest of her face had been similarly time consuming. She'd been going for the perfect soft glam - everything in her wanted to reach for the vibrant red lippie to top things off but she holds the nude instead.

She had been two people for the past two years and neither were the girl in her right now that wanted to put on the sexy dress and red lip. The minute she'd chosen her relationship with Cameron over the one with her mother things changed. He became less and less like the person she chose to be with. Sexy was out the window - it was all about work and her existing for his art and his own pleasure opposed to hers.

Looking at the dress again she sighs thinking of the other things she could wear that would illicit less attention.

"Ellie the reservation is for an hour, do you need more time?" Tre enters also in his dressing gown as she holds up the dress in contemplation.

"Too much?" Elle asks, "Too little?" She corrects but he only smiles pecking her ear.

"Can't tell but I trust you're judgement and you make everything look good" he smiles giving her a hug from behind. Her cheeks burn with a blush like a schoolyard kid with a crush.

"Okay let me finish my make up" she pushes him off playfully.

"So you'll be done in the next half an hour?" Tre turns her looking her over with appreciative eyes.

"Red or nude?" Elle asks revealing the tubes.

"Red means special occasion - so red" he smiles pecking her lips playfully before letting her go.

"Ill be ready in half and hour" She agrees.

"Ill wait in the living room"

"You're not dressed" Elle questions.

"Fitted shirt and slacks take no time to put on" he winks heading towards the closet and out of sight. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror while sporting the red lip. Everything looking absolutely perfect. Taping her boobs makes her figure look perfect in her dress. Bucking her scrappy heels and doing one last spin in front of the mirror leaves her feeling sexy and carefree.

"Elle" Tre walks in dressed and looking extremely dapper. His norma disposition fades into a silent and appreciative smile as he leans in the doorway admiring all of her.

"Stop it Tre" she breathes just above a whisper trying to control her blush.

"You look beautiful" He smiles eyeing her intently.

"You too" Elle giggles stepping towards him and taking his hand. "Come on" His hand takes hold of hers as he turns for follow after placing a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"After you"


Everything about the venue was beautiful, more than Elle had expected but then again Tre had never been one to disappoint. He was always tapped into what she wanted - he never asked but always knew and it was delivered. Elle had never met a guy like him in all her years. Looking into her empty glass her laugh subsides into a smile when she realizes the bottle is finished too and they're one of two remaining couples in the popular venue. Tre's eyes follow the couple seated a ways behind them to the right as the woman runs her foot along the inside of her dates leg.

"Uh oh" Elle beams quietly as Tre shakes his head at the display.

"Uh oh?" Tre raises an eyebrow of question.

"She's not into him Tre, she milked all courses and two bottles of the most expensive champagne, she's juicing him up to let him down" Elle winks making Tre do a double take.

"Right, Mr. Handsome thats never been done to you" Elle comments and the connection between them is electric. Both of their eyes sparkle like their smiles.

"And how would you know about that?" He inquires playfully.

"Who knows?" Elle sighs innocently holding her arms on the table and sitting forward butting her chest over the empty space and showcasing her impressive top shelf. The moment Tre's eyes divert attentively she laughs blushing hard only to resume her normal posture.

"Teasing me is fun huh?" Tre asks failing to effectively pretend to be annoyed. He hadn't thought the date would go so well. He'd been so caught up in their attraction that he forgot its foundation had been a solid friendship and a lot of mutual interest. Lately, Elle had been different. She'd been cautious, reserved and closed off but not tonight. Tonight he saw the parts of her he'd heard about from Gina. The parts of her she'd lost in her toxic relationship with Cameron.

"I have a feeling teasing you won't do me an good" she admits as he helps her up from the seat taking her hand. The car is waiting for them and Tre enters after Elle. The car is silent as the partition is raised. Tre leans in for a kiss that leaves both of them with racing hearts.

"You're teasing me in this dress" Tre says low enough for her to hear as she rests her head on his shoulder snuggling into him. His cologne is intoxicating and his hand rests on her hip caressing it slightly. Elles smiling blush returns with the childlike giggle of nerves.

"You're turning me into an idiot" Elle laughs no longer in control of the situation. Her palms are sweaty and her heart is racing again. "I'm trying to be a sexy and poise grown woman, stop" Elle pulls away from him folding her arms playfully only to be pulled back into his arms.

Tre smiles holding her against his chest smothering her in a hug. He couldn't think of anything more sexy than a happy Elle. Elle trying to be alluring turned him on - but her natural state was just as powerful.

He bows his head resting his forehead on hers. Her heart races as their lips touch, fireworks sounding off in the background. Its more intimate than the rest, every part of her body is awake and anxious for him. His hand on her bare back brings heat and intimacy to the kiss that Elle had missed forever. She felt sexy, powerful and loved. Tre slows changing the pace of the kiss, placing long drawn out pecks on her lips as he takes her chin before pulling away.

Elle only realizes the car is stopped and the driver is outside waiting to get their door moments later. Her smile makes Tre's eyes sparkle. Reaching into her purse she takes a make up wipe ridding him of the strawberry coloured lipstick transferred in the kiss before her fixes the smears on hers.

"Thanks" Tre smiles getting out and tipping the driver.

The elevator ride up is quick and Elles phone interrupts the tension. Gina's name shows as the face time tone sounds.

"Answer it" Tre permits heading into the apartment.

"Thanks" Elle smiles stepping out onto the balcony for fresh air.

"Wow, you look incredible" Ginas choice of words and facial expression make Elle smile.

"Just got in from a date with Tre, I've never been on one so good before" she sighs sitting back and slouching.

"You're excused for not calling me back but I need a debrief when you all get back"

"Deal" Elle stands after hanging up to head back into the condo. Removing her accessories and putting her hair into a messy bun she's stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Tre heading in the shower. She blinks at his naked body too entranced to avert her eyes at his well endowed package.

"I'm sorry" her apology is in harmony with her feet turning to back him instead of her eyes closing.

"I thought you'd be out there longer" he says like its nothing.

"Gi was just checking in" Elle comments playing it cool and removing her make up. The image imprinting in her head. Tre had been blessed with length and girth, a smooth chocolate complexion and nice sized head. No wonder women allow him to call them pet. Elle feels herself getting wet as she washes her face doing her night routine diligently.

Once she's finished Tre is behind her now in pyjama pants wiping the water from his chest.

"Don't act shy on me now" his voice is low against her ear and Elle doesn't dare look at him in the mirror. Her heart races as he turns her around to face him slowly.

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