Part 2

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Tre couldn't stare long admiring the sight of a woman he loved in his bed sleeping peacefully. He appreciated Elle's trust and felt as responsible for her as he did for his mother, hers and his sister. He knew he wasn't tough enough to run the streets. He didn't have the heart enough to risk doing anything that would make them cry tears of sadness. It'd been too song since he and Elle were together in person for more than a few minutes and he wanted to make the most of it. Get to know her again though it already felt like he didn't need to.

After his morning workout and emails he heads downstairs to make her favourite French toast. Her smile when he walks in warms his heart. She laughs covering her face sleepily.

"You're spoiling me rotten" she laughs sitting up to look at the plate and its perfect presentation.

"You still like this right?" He asks having gone out and bought the mangoes she always likes to have for breakfast before anything with syrup.

"Of course, you can have some let me go to the bathroom" she smiles leaving.

"I'm good I ate" Tre says before the doorbell sounds incessantly.

He heads downstairs to answer the door grinning from ear to ear when he sees his mother, Elle's mother and Gina.

"Baby, how are you doing?" His mother smiles squeezing him.

"Good Ma, how are you? Momma Jo, Gigi?" He asks taking his time to hug them all only for Elle to run downstairs.

"Its about damn time!" Gina smiles hugging Elle like they'd been apart forever and it'd only been a month.

"Hey Momma Nina, Ma" Elle smiles hugging Nina and her mother for the first time in too long. Her mom squeezes her tight threatening sentimentalism causing Elle to pull away.

"We should toast" Gina smiles always aware of her friends mood.

"We're all grown now Tre's brought us together - we haven't started pissing each other off yet." Gina monologues getting the bottles she'd bought at the airport.

"Its ten in the morning crazy, come on lets eat breakfast. Tre made some we can share"

"We're rich now Tre has money - we don't have to share anymore!" Gina exclaims making her mother shake her head.

"What can I make you Gigi?" He asks.

"Omelette, ham and cheese and watermelon circles not triangles" she smiles always being difficult.

"You just ate piggy" her mother teases.

"I'm trying to get thick!"

"You're a mess G" Elle smiles heading up the stairs and back into Tre's room where her breakfast awaits.

"Ooh you woke up in his bed and got brought breakfast - you've got your groove back and turned my brother out?" Gina smiles stealing some mangoes. Elle only shakes her head at the nuttiness of her best friend.

"Shut up" she says chewing a mouthful.


"No one turned anyone out" Elle clarifies.

"I don't know how were friends sometimes?" Gina groans annoyed taking a bite of Elles French toast.

"He's your brother"

"And you're both uptight you should- Gina is silenced by Elles hands covering her best friends oversized mouth.

"Shut up - don't want to hear it. Besides don't you think my priority should be making nice with mom?" Elle reasons rationally.

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