Nothing Gold Can Stay.

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Johnny's P.O.V
4 days had passed I think, it felt like a year. I ate nothing but baloney sandwhiches, I got cigs and a book that pony really liked too, he could read it so time could pass by, some cards to play. I also cut our hair, and bleached pony's. I know he hates it but like I told him, We have to change our identitys. During that we had a sob fest about that night. I should have told Pony to go home and he could have explained everything to the cops, he didnt do anything wrong, this wasnt his problem, it was mine. I was over it by now though. Only thing I really thought about was Dally, I loved him and wanted to make him proud of me, this probably didnt do it. I remember the look in his eyes when he saw me, I never really loved someone like this. It must have been painful for him to go through this, he gave me his gun, I dont know why. I didnt want any type of weapon near me plus who would I need to protect myself from, I guess he was looking out for me, but I didnt need to protect myself from anyone.

I woke up and Ponyboy wasnt there, I looked around. I walked outside and saw how pretty it looked, it was all golding, I wish Dally could see this, he was probably sleep.

I seen Pony and slowy walked up to him
"Golly. That was sure pretty, huh?" I said
"It's like the mist is what's pretty,
you know.
All gold and silver." I continued, it was the greatest thing I ever seen.
"Too bad it can't stay like that
all the time."
"Nothing Gold Can Stay". Pony blurted out.
"Huh" I said.
" Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief
So dawn goes down today
Nothing gold can stay."
I never been into poems and stuff but that was amazing, "Where did you learn that?
That's what I meant." I asked
"Robert Frost wrote it.
I remembered it, cos I never
quite knew what he meant by it."
"You know, I never noticed
colours, clouds and stuff
until you kept reminding me
about them.
It's kind of like
they were never there before." I told him. Pony was really smart and he made things more interesting. After talking about it a little more we walked into the church, I thought about it, nothing gold can stay. Its true, nothing gold can stay, but in my life I never seen gold, just darkness, only peice of gold I had was Pony and Dally, mostly Dall , but I was hoping he would stay. He was the only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger, I loved him so much, I wish I could be here with me, he knew what could chair me up most of the time. I needed Dally right now, I really did.

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