Pt 2 Dark lords touch

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You are right Lucious you have to do a work for me ..

Yes my lord sure .. give order

Go to Miss Luvona and confronts her and tell her about my Sad background I say sad .. you got me

( With a Smirk ) yes Dark lord ..

Good ..

Lily Pov

Ivy is taking so much of time I should go to her room to see that she doesn't need anything ..

Ivy ! Ivy are you in washroom ..

I open the washroom she wasn't there .. it's evening only half n hour left in night I clearly know that she is in the mansion ..

Ivy ! Ivy ..

Sirus : what happen lily !

Sirus did you see ivy she wasn't in her room ..

Sirus : she maybe in the party hall ..

We both went to party hall ..

Sirus : James Remus did you see ivy ..

James : No but what happen ?

James I got the feeling like she is not ok .

Remus : Lily calm down she is here or maybe went outside for some work ..

No Remus I want to meet her right now .. and she never goes anywhere without telling me ..

James : ok Lily for you .. I will check out in west area of mansion .. Remus will check East area , lily you will check in North area , and sirus you will check south area

As per the instructions given by James I went to North area of mansion to check out I check ever room every place of there she is not there ..

After some time.

Did you find her I ask to James ..

James : I check every area of West she is not there .. maybe Remus and sirus ..

Sirus : James , lily did anyone of you find her ..

No did you ..

Sirus : no that's why I'm asking . 

Remus : did anyone of you find her ..

No Remus .. I started gasping ..

James : where is she ! ..

Remus : lily calm down ..

Now what we should do James ..

James : Professor Dumbledore .

We all turned around professor Dumbledore ..

Professor Dumbledore : I think everything not good here . 

No professor Dumbledore ivy is missing we check whole mansion she is nowhere ..

James : lily we must check her room .

I already check it ..

Remus : may be she is there.

William : Remus is right it's a probability that she is not feeling well and taking resr in her room..

Me , James , sirus and Professor Dumbeldore went to Ivy room and William , Remus and Peter go to party hall maybe she is not there waiting for us ..

Ivy ! Ivy ! I scream but no response ..

James : she is not there ..

Professor Dumbledore Pov

Lily and James finding in Ivy s room then I saw a thing that must not be there nothing else ..

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