76 [Final]

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Rewrite the Stars - Zendaya and Zac Efron

It's been two years.

Two years of life being adjusted to another shift in perspective.

Two years of changing, moving, breathing, accepting.

Two years..... Where the world slowly began to make sense.

The petition was finally heard from the president of the country himself and signed off a law that goes into deep detail of how - an individual will not be prevented or denied acceptance in a sporting event due to their sexual orientation, disability, color of their skin, gender, and so on. Not only was this targeted for sporting events, but any participation in any job, housing, and school as a whole.

This happened three months after the mass skating event at the park, a month before the conference with the skating directors - where they denied the petition.

Little did they know the president already spoke to the heads behind this cause, sat down a few meetings with them before finally - they came into an agreement of this law.

The country was in festivity, along with many other countries making parades and carnivals for the embracement to the cause - hoping it will influence some countries who aren't open to this to change as well.

Everyone that was out of their Olympic programs were welcomed back. The directors, all of them, were fired. Now having Jackson, Taemin, and Hoseok as their chairman and directors assigned by the president.

The Jewels of South Korea were back, and now skating as much as they desire.

Within these two years, seeking a proper counselor, Jeongguk has slowly developed his speech once again. It took a while, not going to deny that. Opening up about his trauma to his therapist, Dr. Kang, was anything but easy. The first four months he spent crying, hysterical, and depressed after most of his sessions. Mainly due to him slowly releasing what he's been suppressing in out and being able to come into terms with that was anything but an easy ride.

But with the support and help of those around him, he managed through.

Especially when he took it upon himself to reach out to the family he ran away from.

The biggest block he refused to face.

When Jeongguk saw his mother for the first time, now as a man who understood her pain and sacrifice she did for him, he spoke.

For the first time since those three months after his skating event at the park. And not just chipped sentences, but a complete and long phrases - as though the wall that held back his voice finally broke.

When he saw his mother again, he cried.

But not only cried because of the way she burst into tears when she saw her son now all grown up since the last time.

It was because of the familiar woman that she was now living with - the woman who was her lover when he was younger.

And they are now married, finally leaving Namjoon's father to pursuit her own happiness.

She was finally happy, and with the person she wanted to be with.

After that moment of reconnection, the journey through Jeongguk's therapy felt more eased - obviously with his ups and downs, but he felt surer about moving forward.

With his mothers now by his side as support.

As for Jimin, he got accepted back into the Ballet Academy, along with Jihyo.

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