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Trampoline - SHAED & ZAYN

"Greetings to all figure skaters! Say goodbye to the you of today because by the end of this month, you're going to be a whole new you with more skill and lessons in mind by the time you leave!"

Jeongguk lips grimaces, awkwardly looking at the other skaters on the ice as well before focusing on the speaker up front - standing with the rest of the figure skating coaches all staring at the athletes. Earlier today Jeongguk attended his speed skating meeting, and to say that this is more intimidating than that - would be an understatement.

Speed skating is competitive obviously, but everyone was so hyped up and howling for the eagerness to compete with each other, even though they knew it's just a friendly game; that's what makes it even more exciting. Jeongguk got to meet so many familiar skaters who he has grown close with throughout the years, so it makes it as something more to look forward to.

Now as for figure skating, it feels like he's signing up to attend boot camp by how serious everyone seems to be taking this; no matter how excited the head coach of this event seems to be behaving to get them enthusiastic, no one nudges a reaction. There's only monotone stares, straight postures and sharp features as though they've been carved to not twitch an expression even if they wanted to.

It's a little scary...

The head coach, Paulo Braga - Brazilian Figure Skating Representative and in charge of this event - goes on about what they're going to be doing for the next month. Seems like pair skaters won't be doing much work together as a team, well not until the third week. For the first week, everyone is going to be doing intense work out and diets. Coach calls it insanity week, since they're going to be working out on the gym or outside, anything other than the ice for core and muscle strength - basically getting into even more shape.

As for the second week, that's when they'll touch the ice. They're going to be testing out their speed, pass their comfort zones in regards to balance - basically if anyone was once terrified of the ice before, they'll lose that fear by the time the week ends.

Third week everyone is more so focused on their area of profession, for Jeongguk that's pair skating; But with a twist. For the first part of that week, those who are pair skaters are going to be skating with a different partner from a different team, gain another perspective on how they can grow better and start practicing on how to use that technique. The remaining days, their original partners will come together and focus on what they learned and how to incorporate that together while skating.

Then there's the final week - Which is practicing for their last day skating event. The figure skaters put on an individual performance on what they have practiced, pair skaters included, just for fun without a score. Everyone is obligated to go and show their support. That final week will also be the time of games from different ice sports, required to attend too, as a friendly last match.

And seems like that got everyone pretty interested.

From there, three days later, Jeongguk and the Korean team leaves and heads back home. The Korean coaches of all ice event teams did want to give them a little slack for their hard work, so that's why they gave them three days of a break, go out and explore, before they leave.

Even though that does sound pretty exciting, Jeongguk couldn't seem to focus himself on the bliss of a minor break.

Seems like the first week is insanity week for every sport because Jeongguk also has to work out for speed skating before heading to the ice the next week. He doesn't mind the work out, if anything he enjoys the idea of working his body to grow stronger, but he knows that at one point his body will give out by the exhaustion.

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