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You didn't care if Mirabel saw.

"Umm... guys?" You sat up sleepily, yawning and turning to look at the person who had woken you up. Mirabel sat cross-legged in the middle of her bed, eyes wide and confused.

"Huh?" you asked, disoriented, before looking down to see Camilo still stretched out beside you, his hair tangled and face peaceful. "Oh!" You quickly scrambled over him and off of the bed, making him groan and rub his eyes.

"I'll just be going now..." Mirabel said, covering her mouth to hide her laughter.

"Wait!..." you shouted after her, but she was already out the door.

You turned back to Camilo as he opened his eyes slowly, his long lashes brushing his cheek. When he saw you, he smiled slightly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back down next to him.

"Hey!" you said, laughing, before remembering yesterday's events. Both of you grew silent as you lay next to each other, staring up at the ceiling.

"I wish I could just forget it all," Camilo mumbled, running his hand down his face. You turned on your side to look at him, resting your cheek on the back of your hand. He still stared straight up, his eyes far away.

"Me too," you said softly, reaching out your free hand and taking his. He finally turned his head, smirking at you.

"But then you'd forget about our kiss."

You blushed, closing your eyes as though that would close out the heart-pounding memory.

"All right, I take it back." The two of you laughed, and he turned onto his side too, pressing his forehead to yours. 

"I feel like a lot has happened," he said, growing serious again. "Well... I know a lot has happened. I just wanted to make sure you still..."

"Love you?" you finished for him when he couldn't. He smiled lightly.


"Well, hmm... let me think..." You giggled when he sat up, brows scrunching together. "Of course I do!"

He placed one arm over you, leaning down so your noses touched. You couldn't move, and didn't want to. You felt a blush creep up your neck - when he spoke, his lips brushed yours.

"Say it, Cariño."

You smiled, sliding your arms around his neck and pulling his face as close as possible without kissing him.

"I love you, Camilo." He let out a breath, and you leaned up to kiss him, but he pulled away teasingly, a smirk growing on his face. Annoyed, you laid your head back down, turning away when he drew closer.

"Oh, come on," he said with a chuckle. "Don't be mad, Mariposa." The new nickname made you blush again, and you sighed dramatically before looking at him again. He grinned, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You smiled, hoping Delores was still in her room. You both pulled away after a while, gasping for air. "So... I was wondering..." he paused and sighed, and you groaned, rolling on top of him.

"What? Just say it."

"I mean, we sort of already are... I just wanted to make it official, you know?" he asked, biting his lip. "Our relationship."

"Oh, come on," you said, rolling your eyes. "We just kissed. You're really going to question what our relationship is?"

"But I-"

"Let's go get breakfast," you interrupted with a laugh, pulling him to his feet.

For the moment, everything was perfect. The sun was shining, and you were happy.

Maybe this time it would finally last.  


When you arrived downstairs, everyone was smiling. Jude leapt up from his seat, and you tore your hand away from Camilo's, running over to your older brother.

"(Y/N)," he breathed into your hair as he leaned down to hug you. "They found him. They found Papa. He was trapped in the house the whole time, up in the attic." You froze, digging your fingers into his back. 

"Where is he now?" The two of you pulled away, but he still held onto your shoulders, like he was afraid you would disappear otherwise.

"He's at home. He refused to come to Casita." His expression soured, his eyes narrowing. "He's certainly an improvement, but he told the truth - his father was one of the raiders that was killed all those years ago. He still has a grudge."

Your heart sank, and you lowered your eyes.

"But... doesn't he love us?"

Jude nodded quickly, placing his hands on either side of your face and making you look at him.

"Yeah, of course! I didn't mean to make it sound like that... it's just that you needed rest, and we didn't want to wake you up. You can go see him whenever you feel ready."

"I'm ready now."

"Don't you want to eat lunch?" Jude asked, pinching your cheeks. You pulled away, laughing. "You're losing weight, hermanita."

"Wait... lunch?" you asked, confused. You had just woken up!

"Yeah... you've been asleep for a while." Delores peeked around Mariano's shoulder as Jude spoke, and you grew red, already knowing Camilo would be smirking behind you. You pointedly didn't turn around, instead walking over to the dining table.

"Here you are, Mija," Julieta said, pressing an arepa into your hand. You smiled and thanked her, stuffing your face - but when you swallowed, the painful memory of yesterday once again flooded back along with the pain in your neck.

"We figured it all out," Augustine shared eagerly, stepping forward and interrupting your flashback. "You and Jude have powers, like your mother." Julieta stepped forward to stand at his side, placing her hand on his shoulder and nodding.

"That's right. You just needed to touch our candle to reveal them."

Your eyes widened, and you looked over at Jude.

"You have a gift?" you asked, bewildered.

He smiled, true joy shining in his eyes.

"Yeah. How do you think I managed to reach Isabela so quickly, before she got... you know. Killed. Or how I made it back to where you were after dropping the candle off." He flickered out of sight, reappearing next to you and sending you scrambling away. He snorted before continuing. "I can teleport. Well, not necessarily - I'm just really, really fast."

You simply looked at him, your back pressed against the wall, trying to take it all in. You could levitate things, and he could teleport. Sort of.

"Wow," you finally managed to gasp, awed. "That's..."

"We just have one question to ask," Abuela said, sweeping forward. You immediately grew wide-eyed, your nails digging into the palm of your hand painfully. You hadn't forgotten her outburst from before, even though you now realized it had probably been your mama controlling her, trying to lure you out of the safety of Casita. "I don't suspect you of any wrong-doing, but everyone's curious." She pursed her lips, waiting for your reaction.

It wasn't like you had much of a choice.

"Shoot," you said as bravely as possible, standing up straighter. You owed this woman nothing, but she was Camilo's abuela. You wanted to make a good impression.

"Why did you bring your mother the candle?"

Beautiful Bruises ~ Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now