how it started

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Hi, I'm Vex Ashimora, a high schooler that came from America because my mom and dad got a divorce. My mom wanted me to start afresh so we moved, I started in a new school called Springfield High and slowly started making friends. I loved being in sports as I tried out for the basketball team and got into tryouts. For some reason, I still felt lonely like there was something in me that I was missing. A couple of days ago I was woken up in the middle of the night by a rumbling sound when i looked out of my balcony window as my jaw dropped at the side of a giant monster attacking the city. I didn't know if I was sleeping or if i was seeing things even when i rubbed my eyes i still saw the two monsters in battle i stood there Frozen where i studied as i continue to watch the battle, part of me wanted to go get my mom or brothers but i couldn't move as i continue to watch on, there was a big explosion That Shook the Earth that almost made me lose my balance if i didn't grab onto the rail. I looked to what fell and saw a creature that was covered in white armor as someone ran across the field to it. I don't know what the person did but there was a Shining Light and as soon as It faded the armor thing shot up into the sky in lightning speed back into battle. from what i could see there was three of them dressed in black

I figured these were just other kids but i wasn't sure. the three of them split up going their own ways as the battle continued for what felt like hours. just when the climax was happening and i believed that the good monsters were with the kids vs bad that was destroying everything. I prayed really hard hoping this wasn't the end for them. I heard a scream of a name that echoed

"Burst Mode Matrix evolution!"

A bright light formed in golfing every single around them. I had no choice but to cover my eyes from the bright light but when I put down my arm to see if it was safe, I saw what was there before now gone. everything that looks like it was destroyed was not destroyed, i didn't understand what happened and why it happened i couldn't understand if it was real or not, or if i was seeing things. with so many questions running through my head, i decided to just go back to bed. by the next day, i saw the reports on the news about the monsters and what was going on as the reporters didn't even know how something like that could happen and then disappear.

"Hurry sweetheart before you're late for school"

My mom said as I hurried up eating my breakfast and gathered my things and waved goodbye to her as I headed out the door. the school wasn't too far away from my home, walking there wasn't really a problem,  last night everything kept replying back in my head again as I didn't even know how to process what I saw to me I felt like I was having a dream but it was too real for it to be a dream. but wasn't all dreams to the point so real that you didn't know what it was or to the fact that you forget what happens when your dream, but this time it just keeps coming back to me. I shook my head of its thought not wanting to become late and hurried off to school. Later I finally arrived and all the students were making their way inside the building and so I followed as well. I went to the principal's office and got my school schedule as he was waiting for my arrival after that was done and headed off to my first class.

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