My partner

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Once to my house, sure enough, my brothers were home and once toby saw the two girls came in the house with me and started to tease me.

" Hey vex what are you doing with two hot ladies when clearly you don't even have a girlfriend and don't even say that they are I'm pretty sure they're just classmates of yours helping you with your homework since you're so slow at calculations and probably gets bad grades in school"

"Toby knock it off there just friends of mine!"

I said trying to stand up to him but he only just laughed as Tetsuo stood in the background not knowing what to do.

"You sure they're friends of yours and not just girls that you lie to in order to bring them home?"

he said laughing again as he continued to torture me in front of my friends, that's when tsume stepped forward making him stop laughing.

"Hello my name is tsume Sakamea, and I am a classmate of your brother. it's very nice to meet you, Toby"

Tsume said but before I could stop her she held her hand out for him to shake, he actually put his hand in hers, and then I saw him let out a small scream as I saw tsume tighten her grip around my brother's hand tightly as he fall down to one knee. Which was exactly where she wanted him to be, a grin formed on her face along with sani who was giggling as tsume looked down at my brother still tightly holding him

"now as a good worthless brother, I suggest you be kind to those that step foot into your house as guests and learn to serve us, got it... you dog?"

She said in a cold voice which kind of scary, I looked over to sani to see if she was freaking out like I was but no she just seemed pleased by this as my brother begged for mercy for her to let go. she did but she still kept that sweet innocent smile. And thank my brother for his hospitality. I made a couple of snacks for us before we went out to my room to talk. I wanted to ask her about what she did but I decided to leave that alone. My little Digimon sun came out from hiding when he saw the snacks that I had and started to chomp on the bulls of chips that I put down

"Sorry about harming your brother, I hope I didn't hurt him too bad"

Tsume asked taking a bite out of the sandwiches I made

"You know I wouldn't be worried about him if I cared, but I'm kind of glad you did that"

"My guess is that he torture you a lot sometimes?"

Sani asked, if anything these girls were good at guessing and I didn't want to end up like my brother so I got on with the questions about the Digimon thing that she wanted to talk to me about

"So tell me about Digimon, I mean how was I able to have one?"

"There are some ways you can get one but I think other ways are by accident. But from what you told us at school yours wasn't really an accident you must have been so lonely since you're home with your abusive brother"

"Not all the time, I have friends from back at home when I moved here but I just don't talk to them as much"

"That clears up to the point that you were lonely"

Sani said

"Ignore her anyway now that you're a DigiDestined you have a lot of responsibilities to obtain."

"what do you mean by that and what missions were you guys talking about?"

"Don't worry it's only a mission where we have to protect the city and not get caught by the police or the FBI"

Tsume said

"it's not that bad, its up to us to stop it"

"Out of anyone, we know you're the first who actually got it right"

Sani said. Tsume explained to me that tomorrow during school there might be some Digimon active.

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