The way things are

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Ryuichi pov)

" you're being too soft with the Newbie you know that right"

Ryuichi said as he and tsume were at Starbucks getting drinks. she ignored every possibility that could possibly make him jealous and even though Ryuichi didn't want to admit that he was jealous she knew that everything that she did around any sort of guy made him jealous

" Stop being so jealous Ryuichi, you need to be nice to him he's a newbie"

" I don't see Sani doing anything to the newbie more than you do"

Ryuichi said Crossing his arms as tsume just giggled, she quickly snatched his drink and started drinking from it

" and now you're stealing my drink, what do I have to give you to make you stop your crazy antics?"

"Be nice to the Newbie and try to hang out with him more"

" We have nothing in common"

Ryuichi said looking away, but knowing tsume she had a certain way up talking sense into Ryuichi and Jake when it came to being nice to people or seeing the bright side of them that they believe that they don't even have

" Remember the first time you met Sani and you believe that she was a waste of space?"

"she couldn't even control her Digimon, that's a totally different subject"

He said that but tsume didn't care what he had to say about vex, for some reason she believed that he was good as some of the DigiDestined from the past do go off on their own protecting their territory and their own state but since they all met on the same roof and different Solutions tsume just had a good feeling about him that she couldn't even understand herself

"Let's talk about something else, have you talked to your Shadow yet?"

When asked this Her demeanor changed

"No...she hasn't shown herself yet, I know I can call Her but... I don't think I want to bother her"

" she's your Shadow you know she'll come when you call "

Ryuichi said tsume smiled

"I'm sure she will, but not right now"

Tsume said with a sigh after that Ryuichi took tsume anywhere she wanted as if it was a date, Ryuichi has feelings for tsume but didn't know if she felt the same way as he did for her, he did tell her about his feeling but she turned him down because she wasn't ready.

"You don't have to do this Ryuichi"

She said as he was picking out a bracelet for her in a jewelry shop

"I know, but I just need something for us"

He said as her cheeks heated up, once he found one he bought it right away, it was 2 bangles that said his angel her guardian.

"I'll play you back"

She said looking at the Golden bangle

"No need"

He said as he was blushing as well, he took her hand and the two left the shop. Ryuichi wasn't going to let tsume go as he wanted her to see how much he loved her but he figured she was just scared to let someone into her heart. It was always about fighting and working with her. She was cold to some and sweet to others, when meeting her for the first time tsume hates Ryuichi and they would always fight. But later he started having feelings for her and couldn't hide them

The two came to the park together as he took her hand

"I want us to be together"

He said as tsume pulled away from him

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