What we are

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Vex pov)

After a year of being with the others, we fought together in a lot of battles. With tsume always being there I watched and learned what she went threw and what Jake went threw before teaming up with others

At times I felt like I was holding them back but I was told by Sunmon that one day I would be needed. Tsume and Ryuichi were together and dating while I kept my mind on what was really important. Being a DigiDestined was hard and at times I would go train with BanchoLeomon

again to see if I truly belonged. I stopped playing basketball as I wanted to keep my schedule clean In Case trouble happened.

I always wonder why they went through such horrible things in life in order to learn more about themselves or was it a test by the gods. When tsume wasn't busy she and Sani would come to my house for a while as things with Ryuichi started to happen. My brother Toby was scared of her and Sani, it was nice having them over and hanging out whenever. But It made me think what this person wants with the digital world, and what power could you get from it

Day in and out we fought Digimon that were wild and crazy, sometimes there was a way to stop them. And sometimes there wasn't. The king and queen couldn't give us anything to look at so normally we had to wait and see if anything happened. We just protect the city and try not to get caught

There were times when I thought the bad stuff I would see on the battlefield would hurt me. Seeing Sani hurt or tsume being reckless, they fought so hard to save the world and me...I felt like I could never fit their power

Sunmon believes i serve a good purpose like the others. Their pain was bigger than I could ever think I could be a part of them, what made my powers like there. I chose to take battles alone, but sometimes sani would tag along or find me. I was starting to think she had a thing for me but then again, she wasn't easy to read.

"You don't have to follow me all the time sani"

I told her but she just shrugged not caring

"Tsume would kill me if i didn't , and besides we are friends right?" she asked me I thought of her as a friend but i never knew she thought of me as one

"I guess we are but why are you following me, and told tell me tsume or Ryuichi told you to," i told her as she giggled

"I can't tell you, and if i did i would have to kill you," she said, her words were just as scary when tsume and her are toying with toby and he wasn't even brave enough to get on their bad side

"Alright just don't get in my way got it, "I told her as she just nodded

"I did even want to be here, i wanted to be with tsume " impmon said as sani glared at him

"You always think about her, I thought we got over this?!" sani shouted at him as the two started fighting,i saw them as a bad merry couple as impmon was the cheater in the relationship

"And besides kid, don't think for one second that you're better than us when clearly you know that you need as much help as we do" impmon said

" hey be nice it's just trying to get used to their environment, it took us a while to get used to each other: sani said happily but that was quickly crushed when impmon said

" and we still are" impmon Wasn't afraid to speak his mind when it came to something he didn't like.

and so our journey continues for a couple of days.

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