Angel of mine

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Tsume pov)

I was alone in my room looking out the window, i couldn't leave the digital world yet as i couldn't get out of my angel form. I was still stressed and not happy about seeing myotismon

I only thought about Ryuichi now and wanted to be with him. I hated seeing my friends hurt, i knew my life will change once the world got saved, i would have to make a choice to stay or go, and really....i didn't want to lose my brother or my family but on the other hand, it was my life so i had to the right to make this choice. A knock on the door caught my attention as it opened and walked in was Crusadermon

"My lady, I'm here to Inform you-"


I said cutting her off

"Leave me alone...please "

I said looking away from her until I heard another voice that was all too familiar to me making me look back to see alphamon, I flew into his arms and gave me a gentle hug

"Let's go back right now"

I told him wanting to get out of here I wasn't allowed to since I was still stuck in my angelic form and she had to remind me of that

"You're not allowed to leave unless you can change back into your human form I believe your mother and father made that real clear"

Crusadermon said, I didn't like her very much my father put her in charge of me when I started to ignore people or I decided to do things recklessly, she was hard to get rid of and she didn't understand the word no let alone when I tried to fight with her, she never backed down and mostly didn't take my threats seriously, despite her being a royal night I didn't care as I would challenge anyone that got in my way when I wasn't in a good mood

"I don't think I need you to tell me what I already know," i said to her upset

"With all due respect my lady, I was only making sure you knew the rules so you didn't do anything you might regret"

She told me to try to act kindly and very respectful

"The only thing I regret is you bothering me all the time"

Flashback -

I was in a room where she was going to train me on how to use my power but I didn't care how to use it I believe that I already knew how when the time was going to come

"For today's lesson, I'm going to teach you how to"

She stopped when realizing that I was nowhere near her

"My lady?"

I took her no time flat to find me heading to the exit of the castle only to try to stop me

"Where are you going?"

"I'm heading home, your Boring"

I told her she was taken back by what I said but I didn't care

"My lady please your parents instructed me to"

I said no now leave me alone

"I told her and continue to walk"

Before I could get the door open I heard her say

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to do to you my lady but I was told by your father to take extreme measures if you didn't listen"


I was instantly picked up and brought back to the room as I was screaming and shouting for her to let me go.

Flashback over-

"I understand how frustrated you are but if you allow me I can help you change back quickly so you can leave, now if you will come with me I can help you "

Crusadermon said waiting for me to make a choice. I sigh giving up, i kissed alphamon on the cheek goodbye and followed her to another room.

After an hour i was finally able to go back and I was super happy about this, I was wondering what the others were doing since I'd been away for so long.

"Are you heading back already?" someone asked, I turned to see Antylamon

"I see you're not in your white bunny anymore, too bad you were super cute," I told her she chuckled

" maybe next time I will allow you to cuddle me more," she told me as I was super excited for that day to come, I wanted dorumon to come home with me but it seemed he was still busy with my the other knights and things i didn't want to understand.

"Want me to come along with you?" she asked, i knew she was worried about me but i didn't want to bug her because i had lunamon and they dont get along very well

"If i took you with me, you and lunamon would fight"

I said as i looked down at lunamon who was glaring at her

"I know...she's just jealous of my true power," Antylamon said with a smirk

"What did you say ?!" lunamon shouted, i couldn't believe this was happing and didn't want to deal with them fighting. I couldn't tell her no as she would follow me anyway like always. Back in the human world, i saw it was a night out. I looked up at the full moon and sighed happily being back, the wind blew hearing the rushing of leaves and trees

"I wanted to go to sleep," lunamon said with a yawn, i wasn't tired but i did have to go back home. Once i got back to my grandma's house, i got into my room threw the window and rested on my bed

"Im so happy to be back"

I said with a deep sigh

"I can understand that," Turuiemon said. "I will keep an eye out for danger you two can sleep," she told us and left

"Show off," lunamon said, i giggled as we fell to sleep 

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