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The next day the storm passed but the streets were full of water so it wasn't easy to get to school, as some stay home because our school had to get fixed due to the storm. I was happy but sad because I wanted to see tsume again. Tetsuo and i saw our backyard not too messed up, as for my mom and brother, they had to stay at work because of the Storm so they were fine. I started to think what tsume was up to, I know we didn't know each other very well, another thought came to mind when I remembered the eyes that I saw last night, maybe it was my imagination but I really thought I saw something, I couldn't make out the silhouette itself other than its standing on two feet.

Tetsuo went to the grocery store to see if he can buy some food to cook for dinner as for myself, I decided to give the house a bit of cleaning until there was a knock at the door making me stop, I went to the door and opened it and was surprised to see tsume

"tsume what are you doing here?"

"Hey vex, I didn't know you lived here, I was just going around handing out these flyers"

She said giving me one as I saw that it was an invitation to the community who needs items from the storm and those who lost their power. She explained to me that she was looking for helpers for the donations and other stuff, I was not being able to resist her asking me to help her out.

"Thank you so much vex, it's just me and my friends along with my brother that are helping so far but with you in the bundle it should be just as great"

She said with a smile, I really made her day when agreeing to help her. I guess it really wasn't that bad. She told me the time and the days to come help and I couldn't wait to get started. The next day I headed out in the afternoon to the location were tsume told me to meet her and her friends, it was around a store that wasn't to far and when I got closer I saw tsume and others around, they had tables and a lot of boxes

"Yay you made it!"

Tsume said with a smile as I smiled back

"Guys I like you to meet vex, he's the kid that I told you about."

She said to the two boys and one girl.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sani"

The girl Sani said, she had tan skin, red short hair and red eyes

"Nice to meet you"

I said , Sani was cute but she seemed like more of a Tom boy then normal girls. I met Ryuichi and Jake who was Tsume's brother and he seems cool but as for Ryuichi he seemed annoyed but tsume told me not to be bothered by it.

We spent hours passing things out and I helped with keeping things clean and also opening boxes when they ran out of supplies, it was fun but it felt good to do things for people. Once it was over we all went to a buffet to eat, we were hungry but I guess I was surprised they invited me to come with them,

"Aren't you the boy that plays on our school's basketball team?"

Jake asked as I nodded making him shrug.

"I never understood basketball games"

Tsume said 

" I would explain it but you wouldn't care"

Ryuichi said with a chuckle as tsume ate some of her food

"So vex were are you from?"

Sani asked

" Uh, Florida "

I answered as then a ring tone was heard as tsume took out her cellphone and she quickly showed Ryuichi

" Sorry vex we gotta go"

Ryuichi said as all of them got up

" You all are leaving?"

I asked,before Ryuichi could say anything tsume sat back down

" I'll stay with you"

She said which surprised me, 

" Tsume are you sure?"

Jake asked as she nodded 

" Alright, will meet you back at your place"

He said as Jake, ryuichi and Sani left.

" So, about the game of basketball"

She asked with a smile. After we ate we went to the park to play alittle basketball. She seemed like she wanted to learn as I told her all the rules and what she needs to do. I told her about being a blocker and what net she needs to shoot in, in order for her to win. So far she seemed like she understands but as we played she really didn't get it so I let her shoot for free but she ended up missing alot of them.

"I'm too short"

She said with a sigh

" Here let me"

I told her as I picked her up, she was scared when she got lifted and quickly wrapped her arms around my neck making me blush

" I'm sorry I'm scared of highs"

She said as I apologise and put her down. I could see she was blushing as well, she push some of her hair behind her ear and looked away for a minute before looking up to me and smiled

" I think we will become great friends vex"

I couldn't believe she said that, to have a cute girl like tsume be around me made me go crazy but for some reason being around tsume felt if I was in love with her, I couldn't be could I?.

I walked her home as she told me she likes to visit her grandmother when her parents aren't home. So i guess that's why she didn't let me take her home.

" Thank you vex, I'll see you at school ok"

She said as I nodded. I watched her go inside after wishing me a good night and once she was gone I could finally Breathe, I headed home and saw my mom was out and toby was gone as well but saw a note that said he went to hang out with his friends.

I felt happy about him getting to hang out with his friends more and not worrying about me and since he was gone, I went to my room remembered the device that I had in my dresser drawer. I took the device out of my dresser drawer curiously trying to figure out what is this thing and where did it come from, it could be a walkie-talkie or some type of child's toy since the things sometimes statics and I can hear voices coming from it

"When I find that what you are I probably might sell you"

I said to myself looking at the strange device as It started to fizzle out once again making me jump and drop it as it hit the floor 

" in...vex.."

the voice said as I stared at it shockingly how did this thing know my name?

"Please, help me"

The voice bags not knowing what to do instead of it more as a hologram light shot up from a showing me a little creature that is a small sun with a flame at the top of its head as looked battered up.

"What...are you?"

I question it but it didn't answer my question, it only begged me to help it I didn't know what it was or how could I help something that I didn't understand what on Earth what's going on, it was like my body moved on its own as I reached my hand out to the hologram to touch it, my room vanished before me as I was now with the little sun in my arms

" Hey, are you ok?"

I asked as I fell to my knees now back in my room, in the dark, I didn't know what to do or who to call for something like this.

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