My first battle

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By the next day, I got up and dressed for school. Of course, toby was mad about what happened and told me when that girl comes by again he has a few words to say to her. I didn't say anything and left for school with my Digimon in my bag when I arrive at the school I didn't see tsume or the others

The bell rang and I had no choice but to go to class. 3 classes, later I haven't seen tsume and the others until it was lunchtime. I ate alone in the cafeteria until I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look to see Tsume.

"Hey, sorry we missed you, mind coming to speak to us real quick"

She said making me follow her behind the school where everyone else was.

"Alright vex, the other talked me into it and I agree to allow you to join us"

Ryuichi said as I was confused, did they not think I was worth it or maybe...

"So what do you think?"

Sani asked as I didn't know what to think.

"Are you sure you want me to even help you with whatever this is?"

I asked as they looked at me, tsume told me there's nothing for me to be scared of as they will help me. But to me, i didn't think i could

"Let me train him"

Tsume said, making me look up at her surprised. Ryuichi didn't seem to like this but he agreed

"Fine, but please don't get into too much trouble"

Ryuichi said as tsume smiled nodding

"Leave it to me"

Tsume said as she turns to me

"Vex, after school your training begins"

Tsume said as I didn't know what kind of training she was talking about. But after school I'll see, once back in class I was thinking what kind of training she was talking about. I did have my digivice with me along with my little sun Digimon.

Once school was finally over, I ran into Tsume as she took me by the hand and pulled me with her

"Hey what's the rush?"

I asked as she was quickly trying to get out of the school

"Trying to get there before it's too late "

Tsume said as we came to a spot where no one was able to see us


She asked as I was confused but nodded

"Good, because you'll need your digivice for this"

She said as I went into my pocket and took out my digivice. tsume took a hold of my hand And I did the same as well, and before I knew it we were instantly transported into what looks like The jungle which freaked me out.

"What the heck are we doing in the jungle?!"

I stuttered and surprised not knowing how we got here

" the digital world. We're going to do your training so you might as well get used to this"

She said not scared at all so I guess that she's so used to it that she's been here a hundred times

"Okay, so how is this training?"

"First thing, you need to get used to your Digimon."

Tsume said letting her Digimon out of her duffle bag as he happily ran around. Sunmon came out of my bookbag looking around the scenery

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