Chpt. 24 | 変更点

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𝔸𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕝'𝕤 𝕆𝕍~

"How could you guys do this?" 💙 "We didn't mean to, April." "Didn't mean to?! She's gone because you guys 'didn't mean to' act like complete assholes! She's gone because you guys couldn't keep your jealousy in check! Akari loves all of you!" 🧡 "What?" ❤️ "What are you talking about?" "Did you really not notice?" 🧡 " we didn't." 'Sigh.' "It's painfully obvious. Even Splinter knows." Splinter merely hums as he enters the room, his own eyes hold so many emotions in them. 💜 "You knew?" Donnie and the rest look between us, confusion written all over their faces. 💙 "Dad?" "It's true my sons. Even I tried to persuade her into telling you all the truth, but...she is a stubborn one." He sighs as he rubs his beard. "She loves you all very much. But as of right now, she isn't ready to commit." ❤️ "So you're saying she loves us too, and we fucked it up?" 🧡 "It's not fair. She finally opened up to us about her feelings, and then we pushed her away. She struggled to stay—She had so many fears and doubts," Mikey sighs shakily as he walks towards the exit. 🧡 "We just proved her right." 💜 "Mikey..." 💙 "Mikey!" "Give him some space," Splinter says as he shakes his head.

"What do we do?" 💙 "I- I don't know. There's no way we can get to Japan." "Japan? Wait, so that's what she was gonna tell us?" 💙 "...Yeah," He breathes out as tears form in the corners of his eyes. 💙 "She told me she was homesick and wanted to visit for a couple months. I mean, I supported her and I still do. If this is what she wants, shouldn't we leave her be?" "There's so much I didn't get to say, Leo. I support her as well, but I don't like the fact that she just...left. Without telling me where she was going or when she's coming back. Now we don't know if she'll come back at all." 💙 'Sigh.' "I know, and I'm sorry." "I just, I need a moment." 💙 "Alright." Why did she have to leave? She didn't even bother to send me a text.

Sighing, I make my way into Akari's room. There's so many memories of us in here, I can feel myself break with every moment we created together. The room itself is clean and it looks like everything is still here. I slowly approach her bedside table, that's where she kept her most important stuff. I open the small drawer and the first thing I see is a photo album labeled, 'my family.' With shaky hands, I slowly flip through the pages, and what I see absolutely shatters me. There's pictures with little notes and dates under them. The first picture in there is of all of us together after we defeated Shredder. Akari and the turtles were and mess, which is why I look like I'm laughing. I thought it was a strange moment for a picture, but Akari insisted on it. The little note under it says, "we did it!" with a cute little smiley face. Tears coat my eyes as I sadly smile at all the pictures. All these memories just...wasted. No...they aren't wasted. Akari will come home, I'm sure of it.

I continue looking at all the photos until I reach the last few. She told me about her little escapade: She cleaned each of the turtle's rooms while also subtly spending time with them separately. She said it was her plan so she could get the guys to destress and relax around her. With what she told me, it worked out pretty well. I just wish she mentioned the part about wanting to go back to Japan. This...this hurts so bad. I feel like I've lost her for good, like I'll never see her again. My chest tightens as sobs begin to shake my entire being. I'm too weak to hold everything in and I don't bother trying. There's no point in hiding the fact that I'm broken without her.

💜 "April?" Donnie peaks his head into the room, his eyes widen once he looks at me. 💜 "April, what's wrong?!" 💙 "What's going on?!" 💜 "I don't know! I just heard her crying!" "I-I'm sorry, I just...m-miss her." 💙 "...We miss her too," Leo mumbles, his eyes land on the photo album in my hand. I close it and hold it out to him, and he stares at it for a second before hesitantly grabbing and opening it.

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