Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 After the real daughter comes back 8

    At noon the next day, Xiu Niang came to Mei Fang's yard with the changed clothes, according to the age of the girl in the Lin residence.

    "Please try again, Miss San." Xiu Niang smiled.     Mei Fang glanced sideways. The peach red brocade was made into a new dress, embellished with pearls and gold threads. It was worthy of her own money to make it. She was happy in her

    heart, but said casually, "Then try it."

At that time, he glanced at a few wooden boxes beside him, and without thinking, he knew that they were clothes for Zhufang and Lanfang.

    After giving a wink to the person next to her, a maid took the helper brought by Xiu Niang to grab the seeds to eat.

    Xiu Niang followed Mei Fang to the inner room, and she also praised Mei Fang, but the smile on her face was less genuine. She went to and out of many people in the capital, and there were many people like Mei Fang who had high eyelids and looked down on people like them who wanted to live. She was used to it.

    After coming out of Mei Fang, Xiu Niang went to Ye Huan's yard.

    Lan Fang was bored of waiting, and went to Ye Huan's house to try on clothes together.

    Xiu Niang first took out Ye Huan's clothes and handed them to Chun Xing, and then went to get Lan Fang's.

    Chun Xing took the clothes, and as soon as she lifted the sleeves on both sides, she saw a crack in the armpit, and exclaimed, "Girl! Why is this clothes broken!"

    Ye Huan and Xiu Niang immediately gathered around and embroidered Mother saw the crack, and her eyes almost darkened, but Ye Huan supported her.

    Chun Xing cried anxiously, "A crack as big as a slap, is this how your embroidery room works? Tomorrow is the wedding ceremony of the second girl, the fourth girl's skirt is light in color, and there are traces of patching, which makes us fourth girl tomorrow. Going to see someone?"

    Clothes are just face, without a decent one, Ye Huan would definitely be ridiculed.

    Embroidery Niang hurriedly complained, "Ms. Mingjian, before we came, we locked all the clothes in wooden boxes, and killed the people in the embroidery room, and we didn't dare to damage the clothes. And before we came, we also specially checked."

    The clothes specially made by the Lin Mansion cost dozens of taels of silver. The average embroidery girl can't make that much money in a year, and she doesn't have the courage to break it.

    When Xiu Niang spoke, she looked at the crack, paused for a while, and added, "According to my experience, this crack was deliberately torn open."

    Lan Fang couldn't help it, grabbed the clothes, and said angrily, "I still What is there to guess? It must be done by the third sister. Xiu Niang just came from next door, and her clothes were damaged. Who else can be except her. No, I have to go to the eldest lady, and again and again, she is too much Ye Huan hurriedly grabbed

    Lanfang and choked, "Sixth sister calm down, none of us saw with our own eyes that it was done by third sister's people. If we just went to see our mother like this, it would only make a lot of trouble. It's already like this. It's better to think of ways to remedy it first." The

    Su family wants their sisters to be harmonious, and whoever makes trouble first will be more or less boring. And this matter is really difficult to investigate, after all, there are so many people who have dealt with it.

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