Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Princess 5

    When Zhao Yingying was sent back to the room, she couldn't even speak a word. She was poured a bowl of hot ginger soup and covered the bedding for a while before she regained some energy, but her head still felt as if it had exploded.

    "Cuixi, is the general back?" Zhao Yingying said weakly.

    Cuixi had tears in her eyes. Seeing that her master's knees were all swollen, she said with wet eyes, "I have already sent someone to wait at the door. If the general comes back, I will bring it here immediately. Auntie, don't talk for now, your cheeks, too. It 's swollen."

    Zhao Yingying looked at the front with hatred, thinking that she was slapped twice and punished to kneel for an hour, that Princess Lin'an is a shrew!

    But this was also designed by Ye Huan. If Princess Lin'an had been there from the beginning, she would not have said that.

    Zhao Yingying's face was not only swollen, but her mouth was also broken. After the doctor came to see her, she said that her face would be very swollen for the next two days, and she must not go out.

    After applying the medicine, Zhao Yingying was very sleepy and tired, but the pain was so painful that she couldn't sleep.

    She waited until it was dark before Huo Qi came back.

    Huo Qi was a little drunk after drinking wine today.

    "Yingying, the concierge said you were bullied, who is so bold!" Huo Qi staggered into the room, and when he walked to the edge of the bed, he saw a man whose face was swollen into a pig's head. It was Yingying, who was so shocked that she instantly woke up, "You... why are you doing this?"

    "Woo." Zhao Yingying was so sad when she saw Huo Qi, she wanted to get up and threw herself into Huo Qi's arms, but she injured her knee. , the pain is deformed.

    "Yingying, what's the matter with you?" Huo Qi looked up and down for a while, then became furious, "Who is so bold to insult you like this?"

    Zhao Yingying's face hurt so much that she wanted to speak but couldn't say it, so she He glanced at Cui Xi next to him.

    Cuixi answered knowingly, "Auntie went to the princess' mansion to apologize, and the aunt knelt down to the eldest princess, but the eldest princess..." She turned to look at the master, saw the master nodded slightly, and choked out, "But The eldest princess was unrelenting, saying that the aunt had broken the relationship between the general and her, so she let Princess Lin'an bully the aunt and let the aunt kneel in the snow for an hour!"

    "I don't get along with her, it's not her own fault . She is stubborn, what does it have to do with Yingying!" Huo Qi looked at Zhao Yingying's distorted face and said distressedly, "Wen Hui is so unreasonable, Princess Lin'an is a person with a temper, if not for her in Princess Lin'an What you said before, Princess Lin'an will not be so cruel." After speaking

    , Huo Qi got up and shouted, "Come on, I'm going to the princess' mansion, I don't have a surname if there is no result today. Huo!"

    Zhao Yingying grabbed Huo Qi's hand, shook her head and said no, she said inarticulately, "I... I'm just a little wronged, Qi Lang can't go.

    " , she still dares to do it, she is really a woman of snakes and scorpions!" Huo Qi became more and more angry, and after drinking today, he made up his mind to go to Ye Huan to reason.

    Huo Qi rushed to the door of the princess' mansion, but was told that the princess' mansion was down, and no one could enter at this time.

    Huo Qi drew his sword to start, but was hurriedly hugged by a few servants beside him.

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