Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    The summer is just over, and the weather is hot and stuffy.

    Today, the house of the old lady of the Lin residence is more complete than in the past.

    Mrs. Lin is the successor, and the current Lord Lin was not born to her, so she is indifferent to today's affairs and has no interest.

    On the contrary, a few juniors were particularly curious.

    Gui Fang of the second room and Lan Fang of the third room sat next to each other, and the two exchanged whispers.

    The young Lan Fang looked outside the door and asked in a low voice, "Second sister, didn't the servant say that the uncle has entered the city, why haven't you seen anyone coming?"

    Gui Fang will be married next month, and she is a big girl. She squinted at the direction of her grandmother, and warned, "You should sit down and be honest. Since you have entered the city, you will come back. What's the hurry." Don't be in a hurry, why are you in such a hurry."

    Opposite Gui Fang and Lan Fang, the third girl, Mei Fang, was sitting.

    She is one of the protagonists today.

    Fourteen years ago, Mrs. Lin went out with Mr. Lin. She encountered flash floods on the way and was trapped in a village to give birth.

    I thought that there would be good fortune if I survived the disaster, but when Master Lin went back again a few months ago, he found out that his daughter had been replaced.

    No, Lord Lin is coming back with his real daughter today.

    Lin Meifang was sitting upright, her complexion was dark, if you look closely, you will find that she is not like the Lin family.

    She looked calm on the surface, but in fact, the nails in her sleeves were fastened to the palm of her hand, and she kept looking in the direction of the door, expecting a country woman to come, and she must compare the other side.

    I don't know how long it took before the servant girl who guarded the door came in to spread the word, saying that the eldest master was back.

    Upon hearing this, except for Mrs. Lin who didn't move, everyone else stood up one after another.

    Lin Yutang took the lead in entering the house. He just passed this year, and he has a half-finger-long beard and a slender figure. At first glance, he is a scholar.

    Then a girl of the same age as Lin Meifang came in. When everyone saw her, their curious eyes immediately turned to surprise.

    Lan Fang couldn't help but whispered, "Second sister, why is the new sister different from what we thought, doesn't she live in the countryside, why is her skin whiter than ours. She looks too beautiful!"

    Gui Fang pulled La Lanfang's sleeve and motioned Lanfang to stop talking, after all, this is where the old lady lives.

    When Ye Huan entered the room, he also looked at the people in the room, and slowly matched the plot in the book.

    She passed through this time, a year before returning to the Lin Mansion.

    This time, I was wearing a genuine and fake thousand gold text.

    The original owner had been raised in the countryside since he was a child. Although his adoptive parents were small landlords, they were not good to Ye Huan, the child in exchange. In addition to deducting food and clothing, Ye Huan also needs to do the work of the servants.

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