Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 The Good Wife of the Nineties (The Finale)  …

    After He Fang found Ye Huan for the first time, he came to look for it several times.

    However, He Fang's complexion is getting worse and worse, and his speech is not as imposing as before.

    Ye Huan finally waited for He Zhiguo to get sick, and would never give He Zhiguo money to see a doctor.

    After another month, Ye Huan used the previous demolition funds, plus the money he recently earned, to collect 10,000 yuan to buy a 120-square-meter house in the city center.

    Although the current housing price has not risen sharply, but in three or four years, the housing price will increase significantly.

    He opened a shop to sell clothes, and went out early and returned late every day. Although he could make a lot of money when he was big, Ye Huan had experienced so many small worlds, and all the good times had passed, and he didn't want to work too hard.

    In the 1990s, there were no restrictions on purchases, and housing prices were still cheap. It was the best time to earn money to buy a house.

    Ye Huan plans to buy a few more apartments, and in a few years, she can easily live off the rent and wait for the demolition.

    Ye Huan has completed the transfer procedures for buying a house, but He Zhiguo's place is not very good.

    Li Hongyun washes her face in tears every day. In order to take care of her son, she has spent all her money and borrowed from everyone she can.

    Up to now, Li Hongyun has been unable to borrow money, and his son has been taken home. The doctor said that He Zhiguo only has ten days at most.

    Knowing that her son would not live long, Li Hongyun turned white overnight.

    She sat on the head of her son's bed, looking at the thin son, tears could not stop flowing.

    For more than a month, He Zhiguo was as uncomfortable as being cut into flesh every day.

    At first he wanted to live, but now he just wants to die quickly.

    His stomach was rotting, and every time he breathed, his scalp tingled with pain. And he was breathing every minute.

    He Zhiguo lay down and couldn't move. He couldn't eat anything these days, and he was all supported by infusion.

    "Mom," he said suddenly.

    Li Hongyun heard a weak "Mom", stood up quickly, and asked, "What's the matter, Zhiguo, what do you want?"

    "Let... let me die, I'm too...too uncomfortable." He Zhiguo said weakly. .

    "What nonsense are you talking about, your father is gone, if you die again, what do you want me to do?" Li Hongyun said with snot and tears, "Zhiguo, you can hold on, as long as you hold on until In spring, maybe it will be fine. I beg you, please don't die."

    He Zhiguo shook his head.

    He really didn't want to hold on any longer, he was lying down every day, he could only feel the pain eroding every piece of his skin, but there was nothing he could do.

    Li Hongyun refused to let her son die like this, and continued to help her son with transfusions. After another ten days, He Zhiguo was still alive. She felt that a miracle was about to happen.

    Li Hongyun did not hesitate to sell his blood to buy medicine for his son.

    He Zhiguo, on the other hand, was worse off than dead. He lay down all day, unable to eat, and felt hungry, but at the same time he was tortured by illness.

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