Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 The Good Wife of the Nineties 2

    After Aunt Li said a few words, she went back.

    He Zhiguo was still lying on the ground. He drank a lot of alcohol today, and his body hurt a lot, but he was not sober in a daze.

    After Ye Huan and the others left, he didn't care whether He Zhiguo's clothes were wet or not, whether there was any problem with the burns on his body. Anyway, she couldn't pull a drunk man, so she let He Zhiguo sleep on the ground.

    Hearing that He Zhiguo was still crying "Ouch" in pain, Ye Huan closed the door and went to find her daughter to sleep.

    When Damei heard her father still moaning, she asked in a low voice, "Mom, will my father die?"

    "No, he is rough and fleshy, and there will be no big deal." Ye Huan coaxed her daughter into bed, although He Zhiguo could still be heard crying constantly in the living room, but she slept more peacefully.

    The next day before dawn, Ye Huan got up to cook, and after calling the two daughters to eat, let Damei go to school by herself, and she took Erchun to the vegetable market.

    When you come to this world, you have to earn money to support yourself first, and then talk about other things.

    And He Zhiguo was still lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. It didn't seem to hurt much, and he could still fall asleep.

    After Ye Huan arrived at the vegetable market, everyone from the left and right stalls arrived. She was a little late today.

    In the booth on the left is a eldest sister who is a few years older than her. When she saw her coming, she immediately came over and exclaimed in a low voice, "That waste who suffered a thousand knives, did he do it to you again?"

    Ye Huan nodded lightly, while placing the Dish, while saying, "He drank again."

    "When he drinks, he beats his wife. This kind of man really can't want it. Sister has told you many times, He Zhiguo is a stubborn waste, and he has his own money. If you can’t earn it, I will come to torture you. It’s not that my sister wants to be a bad person, leave as soon as possible while you are still young, and find someone who burns a boiler again, who is also better than He Zhiguo.” Jiang Mei said that she saw some guests come to buy vegetables , hurried over to say hello, waited for the guests to come over and said, "Look at your injury, the bruises on your face are so deep that no one else dares to come to buy food. Even for the sake of the children, you should leave as soon as possible. Come on!"

    Although Jiang Mei's mouth is broken, he is enthusiastic. The original owner can set up a stall here, and he has received a lot of care from Jiang Mei.

    In this era, most people think that divorce is a shameful thing. Many people let the original owner endure it, or pretend they didn't see it. Only Jiang Mei diligently persuaded Ye Huan to divorce.

    Ye Huan sighed and his eyes fell on Erchun, who was sitting obediently beside him. It was easy to get divorced and leave alone, but it would have to suffer for two daughters.

    She pursed her lips and smiled at Jiang Mei, "Sister Jiang, thank you, you are still willing to care about me."

    "We are sisters next to each other, so you are so polite. Hey, your aunt is here again. Yes." Jiang Mei frowned at Ye Huan.

    As soon as he finished speaking, He Fang stopped in front of Ye Huan's booth.

    "Yo, today's food is pretty good. This little cabbage is watery, I'll take two pounds, and give me half of that pumpkin. Your nephew loves this." When he looked up, he glanced at Ye Huan casually and said with a smile, "Is Zhiguo angry again? I tell you, the gentlemen are just trying to coax him. It's normal for a dumbass like you to be beaten twice.

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