Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    Jiang's marriage proposal failed, and it almost caused an accident. After returning to the Hou's mansion, he saw the eager eyes and said angrily, "You should die of your heart. The Wang family will not let Li Shu be a concubine."

    "Really. , who is not a serious young lady, but a girl who is dependent on others, both parents are dead, and my grandmother is an outsider, so what are you doing to protect me so much?"

    "I want to see, Mrs. Wang loves so much. Li Shu, let her marry into a good family in the future!"

    Wu Qinghe's eyes darkened when he heard that things were not going to happen, "Mother, didn't you promise me that you would propose marriage?"

    Jiang Shi paused. After a while, she realized that her son was blaming her, "Wu Qinghe, are you blaming me?"

    Wu Qinghe pursed his lips, "I dare not."

    "Why don't you dare?" You raised you for a

    while , and for your sake, you don’t hesitate to throw up your face and go to the Wang family to propose marriage. Their Wang family sees themselves as lofty, and they don’t see Wu Qinghe as your concubine, so how can you blame me for not doing my best?” The eldest son has been outstanding since he was a child, and is the child she raised with the most heart.

    But at this moment, he blamed himself for a woman.

    Jiang Shi's heart was twisted like a knife, and he waved his hand and said no more.

    Seeing his mother leave sadly, Wu Qinghe knew that he had said something wrong, and opened his mouth to apologize, but he didn't dare to say more.

    Thinking of the Wang family's rejection of marriage, Wu Qinghe began to cry again. He really liked Ye Huan.

    Ye Huan also understood Wu Qinghe's feelings.

    Because she has read the original.

    However, Wu Qinghe's love is too cowardly to cross the world, but he wants the best of both worlds, and in the end he can only recall it often in his heart.

    Ye Huan woke up early in the morning and found it was raining outside. After eating, he sat under the promenade to watch the rain.

    This looks like a whole day.

    Luoyun took the cape and said, "Girl, it's raining heavily outside, let's go inside."

    "It's okay, the house is stuffy, so I just want to sit outside." Ye Huan stretched out her hand and let the rain flow down her arm, clap la la The sound of rain added a curtain to the courtyard.

    In the evening, when the rain lightened a little, Ye Huan set off to go to the old lady's house.

    Mrs. Wang is a little better today, but she still sits on the bed and sees Ye Huan coming. She knows that the little girl has a serious mind, so she doesn't talk about the Wu family anymore, and just talks about commonplace things.

    The people of the Wang family were reluctant to mention more about the Wu family's proposal, but after the Jiang family was rejected, she felt unhappy and spread the matter.

    And it's not a common statement. It is also said that Ye Huan gave birth to a seductive face, and he was the most restless, which made her son fascinated.

    It is said that bad news spreads thousands of miles, but in the past two days, everyone who is acquainted has heard about it.

    Some believe it, some don't.

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