Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 The Long Princess 2 (one more)......

    Ye Huan only lived in the princess mansion for half a month when she first married into the Huo family, and later lived in the Huo family.

    The Huo family is not very prosperous. Apart from Huo Qi, the eldest son, there is also a second son, but they went to Mobei with Huo Jue and his wife.

    Only the Huo Qi family lived in the Huo family mansion in the capital.

    Having lived in Huo's house for five years, Ye Huan has a lot of luggage.

    Although no one lives in the Princess Mansion, there are people who clean it all the year round. Ye Huan left Shaoyao at Huo's house to pack her luggage, and she went to the Princess Mansion first.

    The Princess Mansion was built luxuriously, after all, it represented the face of the royal family, and the palace was much more lavish than the Huo family.

    Ye Huan sat in the soft sedan chair, casually glanced at the situation in the Princess Mansion, and nodded in satisfaction.

    Having a mansion and a salary brought by a title is equivalent to having money, housing, and status. Why do you have to live with Huo Qi. She is very comfortable living in the Princess Mansion by herself.

    However, she was so ill this time that she thought that Huo Qi had just attacked her. When she recovered, she would always find a chance to make Huo Qi unlucky.

    The soft sedan chair was carried directly into a lavish palace, and Mammy Zhang helped Ye Huan down.

    "Although you don't live here, this is the hall you lived in when you got married, and it's been cleaned all the time." Mammy Zhang was married off with Ye Huan from the palace. Since Ye Huan can remember, she has been waiting in front of her. "You can think about it, you should have moved here a long time ago."

    "If you want the old slave to tell me, you should just live in this princess mansion. When you are healthy, you can enter the palace and walk around with the empress dowager when you have time. If you can get the attention of the palace, no matter what your concubine is, your life will be free and comfortable."     "The old slave is old and people are a little more verbose, but the old slave has been in the palace for more than 20 years, and he can see the most thoroughly. The truth is that a man who has changed his mind cannot turn back."    …

    Mammy Zhang had no relatives or family, and was sent by the niangniang to serve the master from the moment he learned to walk. She had persuaded the master before, but the master would not listen, but felt that she was talking too much. Today, the master himself proposed to return to the princess' mansion, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

    Ye Huan gave a thumbs up to Mammy Zhang silently. That is to say, the original owner was blinded by love, but with a little sense of reason, it is impossible to have today.

    "Mommy, thank you." Ye Huan said after lying down.

    Mammy Zhang's eyes were slightly red, "Why are you being polite to the old servant. The old servant won't live long at his age. If you can recover, the old servant will have the face to see the empress."

    Ye Huan's mother-in-law has long since passed away , the emperor was born of the queen mother, and she has a general relationship. For so many years, she has not had much contact with the Queen Mother, otherwise, the palace would not have known about these matters in Huo's family.

    The master and servant talked for a while, and Ye Huan was a little tired, so he went to sleep first.

    Her body is really bad and needs time to recuperate.

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