Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    Ye Huan was quite surprised when he heard that Fukun came to spread the word, and felt very relieved.

    She asked someone to find the token and gave it to Luo Xuanhe in person.

    "Luo Shizi, be careful all the way."

    Luo Xuanhe said with a smile that it's fine, "Miss Li, don't worry, I will definitely help you find a good place to lose those two rotten people.

    " A warning, very excited.

    After Luo Xuanhe left, Ye Huan still took Luoyun to another Zhuangzi.

    And Luo Xuanhe drove the carriage to the vicinity of Kyoto, found a place to raise pigs, threw the master and servant of Wu Qinghe into the pigpen, and then walked away.

    He sneaked out this time, just because he didn't want to go on a blind date. He didn't like the noble girls in the capital, so he might as well play in the capital for a while.

    Luo Xuanhe was at ease in the capital for two days, but he didn't have much money on him, so he went to the bank to withdraw money. He never thought that his grandmother had already sent someone to wait at the bank. Not long after he entered the bank, he was arrested and returned.

    The Nanyang Palace has a separate courtyard in the capital. Luo Xuanhe was kidnapped and returned. When Mrs. Luo saw Luo Xuanhe, she clapped her hands in anger, and then couldn't help but check if Luo Xuanhe was injured.

    "Grandmother, please let me go first." Luo Xuanhe said with a smile.

    Mrs. Luo said angrily, "You skin monkey, do you know how much effort I have put in to find you these days?"

    "Didn't grandson leave you a letter, grandson is nineteen, and not a child. Baby, you don't have to worry." Luo Xuanhe struggled and said aggrievedly, "Grandmother, this hemp rope hurts my grandson's hand, so please let me loosen it."

    Mrs. Luo saw that her arm was red, although I feel distressed, but this time I didn't let people loose immediately, "That's not possible, it's so easy to let go of you, won't you run faster in the future!"

    Luo Xuanhe shook his head and said no, but Mrs. Luo didn't believe it.

    "But it's not impossible to negotiate. As long as you promise me to meet Mrs. Wang's granddaughter the day after, I'll let you rest now, how about that?" Mrs. Luo said.

    Luo Xuanhe tilted his head and refused, "I don't want it, I've said it a long time ago, I don't like girls in the capital, no matter how good girls are. I'll just stick to those who break the rules all day long. Talk in my ear. No matter how good Mrs. Wang's granddaughter is, I won't marry her!"

    Upon hearing this, Mrs. Luo became angry.

    She and the King of Nanyang are already old, and they are most worried about their grandson's marriage. Find a high-ranking daughter, and fear that the grandson will be suppressed after the two old men leave. But looking down, I don't worry about the other party's tutor.

    When she received the letter from Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Luo was a little moved. Although Li Shu's family background is a little lower, the granddaughter raised by an old friend will naturally not be bad. It's okay to be gentle, they are the most honorable in Nanyang, and no one dares to bully them.

    But the grandson was not happy.

    "It's just for you to meet, not for you to get married immediately. If you don't like it, you can talk about other things." Mrs. Luo advised.

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