Fear Of Attraction

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It has been a few days since Ben and Jennifer shared their incredible date and night out, and things have been unfolding delightfully for the two. While Jennifer is in New York, directing a movie for her best friend Leah Remini, Ben is busy in Los Angeles producing a short film. Despite the physical distance, they've maintained close contact during these brief days apart. However, amidst the joy, Jennifer grapples with an unspoken truth, a sentiment that has been quietly haunting her thoughts – the formidable L word: Love.

Jennifer finds herself hesitating to confront this powerful emotion, a fear rooted in past experiences of heartbreak and disappointment, emotions that resonate just as deeply for Ben. Their shared narrative unfolds in a striking parallel; both have experienced the intoxicating rush of love for their partners, only to be met with the bitter sting of unfulfilled promises and shattered expectations. The echoes of their shared pain reverberate through the unspoken words that linger between them, as they navigate the delicate terrain of their budding connection.

Jennifer's Pov... February 9th, 3:58 AM, Manhattan, New York.

"Alright, Leah, that's a wrap for this scene; we'll resume filming tomorrow." Rising from my seat, I stretched languidly. Leah strolled over, emitting a soft yawn, and gracefully reached over my table, nestled beside my chair, to retrieve her coffee and the delectable donuts my assistant had thoughtfully brought.

"Dunkin', huh?" Leah quipped, a playful glint in her eyes. "Speaking of that, how's your Dunkin' lover boy?"

"Shhh." Chuckling, I guided her towards her trailer and playfully locked the door. "So... let's keep his name under wraps around here. I'm still figuring things out with him, to be honest. I can't quite put my finger on it... I just enjoy his presence," I confessed, a mysterious smile playing on my lips.

"And let's not forget his presence inside you too," Leah teased, flashing a mischievous smirk.

"You're incorrigible," I laughed, swiping a piece of her donut before settling on the edge of the bed. "Anyway, we went out to dinner, and everything clicked. I admire his demeanor and how he carries himself. He's different, and I find that intriguing."

"So, what do you mean by 'different'? What sets him apart from your exes?" Leah inquired, reclining beside me on the bed, propped against the headboard.

"Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I genuinely don't have the answer yet, but I'll let you know when I do," I replied with a soft giggle, lost in a daydream of him.

"So, you're familiar with the connection on a deeper level, yet there's still a lot to discover about him. Intriguing, isn't it? Anyway, when's the next date?" She inquired, directing her gaze at her phone's camera. With a graceful sweep, she removed her lashes and wiped away her makeup.

"Valentine's Day... It wasn't planned, but we both coincidentally picked that day since he's heading back to LA on the 15th. He'll be coming up here, and we might go to the Hamptons to unwind... or something. We haven't finalized the details yet," I chuckled softly, shrugging.

"Okay, that's adorable. Ang and I are heading to Miami for Valentine's, but don't worry, we'll be back in time to film on the 16th," Leah assured with a nod.

I nodded pensively and sighed. "Alright, good. I just feel a bit... uncertain. Should I even be dating right now?" I questioned.

"Sweetie, I can't make that decision for you, but I can offer some advice. You deserve love. Stop chasing after fleeting connections and give him a chance. Remember what your therapist said? Don't let the scars of past relationships dictate your future. So, don't let those fears hold you back. Set boundaries this time and communicate. That's what was lacking in your relationship with Alex. He took advantage because you didn't establish that communication boundary. I know it might sound blunt, but I went through therapy with you. Don't repeat the same mistakes. I promise you, you and Ben could have a lasting connection if you keep things personal and private this time. Unlike you and Alex, who were a bit too open with the public. So, be cautious about that," Leah advised, leaning in and playing with my hair. I sighed, reclining on the bed.

"Ugh... I hate that you're right... But I guess I'll give it a shot. I'm just scared of being vulnerable again," I confessed.

"Honey, we all are... but that vulnerability is necessary for a meaningful relationship," Leah reassured, smiling gently. I returned a soft smile and nodded.

"Let's go. I'm exhausted. We did so many outtakes because you couldn't keep a straight face," I teased, laughing.

"Jennifer, your laughter is contagious, your expressions are vivid, and I can always read your mind. You're critical, but in a good way," Leah chuckled, getting up. She assisted me, and together we headed to the waiting car.

To be continued.

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