Forgiving the Unforgivable: A Fresh Apology and a Fresh Conflict

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Jenn's POV

The following morning, my heart ached as I woke up, the weight of our recent struggles heavy on my mind. I descended the stairs, my steps filled with a mix of hope and trepidation, desperate to find some semblance of normalcy in our fractured family.

As I entered the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile as I watched our kids and Ben sharing breakfast. Their laughter and playful banter provided a glimmer of light in the midst of the darkness that had consumed our relationship.With affection in my heart, I leaned down and gave each of the kids a tender kiss on their foreheads, expressing the love that remained unwavering. My gaze then turned to Ben, my soul yearning for the connection we once had. I kissed his forehead, but the smile he offered felt forced, a cruel reminder of our strained bond. I attempted to take Raelynn from Ben's arms, she grew fussy and clung to her dad. The silent exchange of knowing glances between Ben and me seemed to communicate our pain more clearly than words ever could. A sigh escaped my lips as I retreated to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When I returned to the dining room, the children had already cleared the table and were getting ready for school. Ben, Raelynn, Juni, and I were left to grapple with the palpable tension that had become a constant presence.

As Ben continued to hold Raelynn, I gathered the courage to speak. "I understand you're still upset with me, and I wanted to apologize again. I'm truly sorry," I murmured, my hand gently caressing his hair. He pulled away, but he didn't distance himself entirely."Don't," he replied with a stoic expression. 

"I'll be taking the kids to school. You're welcome to join, but get dressed within 10 minutes. If you're not ready, that's on you." Ben got up, leaving me to my meal, and began clearing the table.

I rose from my seat, suddenly uninterested in eating, and felt a sense of foreboding settle in the pit of my stomach. A sigh escaped me as I made my way upstairs to prepare for the day ahead.In a hurry, I dressed in jean overalls, a white crop top, sneakers, and a Red Sox ball cap. As I heard the garage door opening from downstairs, I rushed to meet Ben. He was already in the car, waiting for me and Violet. We climbed in, and without a word, he drove us to the school.

The car ride was brimming with energy, but the tension between Ben and me remained painfully evident. He usually held my hand or touched my leg, but not today. Desperation welled up within me as I reached out to touch his hand, but he withdrew it, gripping the steering wheel tightly.He sighed in frustration, and the silence continued.Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the school, and the children said their goodbyes and disembarked. They headed to class, leaving our two girls with us. 

I sighed and looked at Ben, who was softly smiling as he watched the kids. Once they were out of sight, Ben turned the car around, and I decided to break the ice by turning on the radio. Ed Sheeran's "Photograph" began to play, and I closed my eyes, reminiscing about the beautiful night when Ben and I had danced to this song at an event.

The moment was abruptly shattered when Ben switched stations to Olivia Rodrigo's "Traitor" and turned up the volume. I glanced at him, sensing the implicit message. I sighed, my hand inching towards the radio, but he slapped it away. I shot him an irritated look."Don't you dare hit me," I warned, glaring at him.

"Hands off my radio," Ben muttered in annoyance.I rolled my eyes.

 "You don't have to be so rude about it."Ben's eyes widened as he began to respond, but he thought better of it and remained silent. As we pulled into the Dunkin' drive-thru, I looked at him and decided to make peace. He ordered our drinks, paid for them, and handed me mine. But just as I was about to accept the gesture, he threw my coffee out the window. 

My anger flared, and I snapped at him, "What the hell, Ben? Screw you!" I stormed out of the car and marched into the store to get another coffee. Juni's infectious laughter filled the car, and she giggled uncontrollably as I left. Ben and Juni shared a moment of laughter, but as I returned, I found Ben had maintained his stony silence.

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