Back where you belong

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Two weeks had passed since the serendipitous encounter between Leah and Jenn, and life had taken a turn for the better. Today marked a significant day for Jenn as she embarked on her journey toward personal growth and healing in preparation for Ben's return.
"Tell me, Jenn, what's been unfolding in your world since our last meeting?" Jack inquired, crossing his legs and directing his full attention to her.

With a hint of hesitation, she  began, "Well, quite a bit has transpired, actually. Ben and I tied the knot, and for a while, everything seemed perfect, or at least I thought it was." Her gaze turned inward, as she recalled the events that had shaken her world. Her fingers idly traced the intricate patterns of the carpet, etching the memories into her mind.

"Jenn, are you okay?" Jack's concern was palpable as he observed her closely.She shook herself from her reverie and replied, "Yes, I'm sorry. I was just recollecting those moments."

"Please, go on," Jack encouraged her gently.

Jenn resumed, "So, it all started as a wonderful morning. Ben was unusually affectionate and loving. However, as the day progressed, I had meetings scheduled, and we had plans to reunite for dinner with the kids. I shared the exciting news about landing a role in Magic Mike, and at first, he appeared elated. But then, inexplicably, he underwent a sudden transformation, accusing me of being thrilled because of the prospect of kissing Channing Tatum. I retorted by saying that if I desired Channing, I could easily have him. It was then that he asked the absurd question: 'Is the baby even mine?' It was completely unrelated to our conversation. Can you imagine that? He questioned the paternity of our child when he's the only man I've ever been with, my one and only. I'm a committed, married woman. But it didn't stop there. He continued, saying, 'My world is crashing because I know how much you loved Alex! I know you had many memories with him. I saw the photos of you two recently! You look at him the way you look at me!' And the worst part of it all, he concluded with, 'No wonder no man can ever put up with you. No wonder I always saw you with a new man every week before I even met you.' It brought me to tears," Jenn confessed, her voice quivering.

 "Was Ben under the influence of alcohol during this outburst?" Jack, questioned.

With tears streaming down her face, Jenn admitted, "Yes, he was. How did you know?"

Jack leaned forward and empathetically stated, "I want to assure you that I'm not dismissing your feelings. We will delve deeper into this argument. However, Ben seems to have a pattern of such behavior when he consumes alcohol. It's as though his ego takes control, and he becomes self-righteous. He faced a similar situation in his previous marriage."

Stunned, Jenn responded, "Wait, are you telling me his ex-wife went through the same ordeal? I knew she struggled to get him sober, but I never witnessed Ben's true drunken state until that day. It all makes sense now." She wiped away her tears with a tissue, a mixture of relief and understanding washing over her.

""Yes, but I'm afraid I can't share more details as it's confidential. Nevertheless, going back to the point you raised earlier about his suspicions, where did he even get the idea that you were involved in an affair?" Jack inquired, placing his notepad gently on the table.

"His brother,"  Jenn sighed softly.

"Alright, I understand. How are you feeling about all of this?" he asked.

"I feel terrible because I miss my husband, but I also believe Ben is at fault for being disrespectful and not addressing the accusation directly with me," Jenn expressed.

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