One sweet day

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The dinner unfolded beautifully, with Ben and Emme forging a strong connection. Meanwhile, Max, while maintaining a hint of skepticism, decided to extend the benefit of the doubt. The ensuing weekend saw Jen, Ben, and the kids basking in the coastal charms of Malibu at Ben's stunning beach house.

Ben's Perspective:

I awoke to find Jennifer peacefully sleeping beside me, her undeniable cuteness even more evident in repose. A tender smile crossed my face as I stretched and rose, embarking on a mission to prepare breakfast for our little family. The delightful sounds of small footsteps echoed down the stairs, heralding Max's entrance into the kitchen.

"Morning," Max greeted with a soft smile, helping himself to a glass of orange juice before settling at the counter. "Anything I can assist with?" he offered, his kindness reminiscent of his mother's.

Surveying the kitchen, I pondered a suitable task for Max. "Well," I began, appreciating his willingness to pitch in, "I was about to tackle the potatoes. If you're up for it, feel free to lend a hand by cutting them." My words were met with a warm smile, and I couldn't help but marvel at the budding connections weaving through our shared moments in this coastal haven.

"Okay." Max nodded and got up to wash his hands then started to chop the potatoes. "Grits right?" He said referring to the style of potatoes I was going to cook.

"Recognizing me already?" I inquired, a grin playing on my lips.

Max nonchalantly replied, "Well, I did a little Google dive. Found out you're a Bostonian, so naturally, I figured grits must be your daily go-to."

I chuckled, "Not exactly, but there's something about grits that just pairs perfectly with eggs and ham.""

Interesting. Let's get down to business. I didn't want to bring it up during dinner; I prefer a man-to-man chat. So, spill it. What's the deal with you and my mom?" Max tossed the question my way, glancing at me while expertly dicing potatoes.

I took a moment, starting to cook as I answered, "Well, there's a laundry list of reasons to appreciate your mom. She's sweet, empathetic, has the biggest heart, and she's downright hilarious. I could go on, but I'm sure you know it all."

Max, eyes fixed on me, continued with his culinary task, "So, it's not just about her looks or her bank account, then?"

"Absolutely not, Max. Looks and money aren't my top priorities. Personality outweighs everything for me. Money can come and go, and I've been through times when it wasn't flowing. Your mom, though, is the most beautiful woman I've ever met. She captivates me every day. There are moments when she's so passionate about things, especially when she talks about you and Emme. It's adorable. Watching her interact with you two yesterday, I can tell she's an incredible mom."

Max absorbed my words, fidgeting with his hands. "Interesting. Well, my mom is my world. If you do anything to hurt her, my dad and I will have a serious conversation with you."

I chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Noted." Together, we prepared breakfast, engaging in light conversation. Jennifer and Emme joined us, descending the stairs hand in hand.

"Hi, baby," Jenn greeted.

"Hi," Max and I chorused simultaneously, exchanging a glance before turning to Jenn.

"Oh, I was talking to my coco... but good morning to you too." She giggled, hugging Max.

"Good morning, beautiful, and good morning to you too, Emme." I smiled, awaiting Jenn's approach. She embraced me tightly, and I reciprocated, planting a kiss on her head. The kids, curious about the breakfast preparations, hovered near the stove.

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