Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


          "Vampires?" Mikasa said, crossing her arms as she sat down in the couch, infront oif her is Sasha, her bestfriend who explain things to her about vampires. Mikasa ask her how she know about their existence and she replied that she researched about them. Her eyes are shining as she said those words to her, as if it's the best thing ever.

The brown haired girl smiled, " Yep, they live for thousand of years."

It was a confusing theory, the scientist says they don't exist in this world but the news says otherwise. " They were not afraid of sunlight as humans thought they were, they just prefer the silence of the night. There's no clear explanation how they began existing into the world though but it was said that they live on a parallel universe of Earth. There is no proof about that though so who knows."

" I can't find that in the internet, are you sure about that?" Mikasa said, not believing what Sasha had told her.  " ..besides, it's a myth. Vampires are myths that people created for fun."

" You ain't sure about that honey,"   The  girl replied, " I am pretty sure of my theories besides if Giants could exist then Vampires can too, the existence of Giants were proven by science so why not the existence of Vampires."

" You have a point, " Mikasa sighs solemnly.

" Are you feeling fine? You said your head hurts." Sasha said while taking a sip of her coffee.

" Yeah, I'm fine now. It always happen anyway. Those weird shit dreams, I don't even want to remember it." She sigh, " Those are weird dreams, I don't know why I'm getting them."

" You should probably go and ask for a therapy." Sasha recommended to her, " but what did Sir Erwin told you?"

" That I'll be on Maria's company department , Maria being the capital city. It's the worst day ever."

The City of Maria has the most high-tech things of all Eldia, it is a great opportunity really but being her, she doesn't like the vibe of it, like that place is clouded by mystery and she didn't want to get any closer to that place but knowing her boss, she would have to go there despite the fact that she didn't like the Capital City at all.  The Capital city, it's a place where the richest people of all Eldia lives.
" Then, come there. It's a really great place, maybe you'll be better in there. Who knows you might also find the love of your life in that place. "  Mikasa sip her tea as she look at her friend, observing her.

" It seems like you have a lot of knowledge about vampires, why is that Sasha? " Mikasa's eyes narrowed together as she look at her friend.  " You said they aren't a myth but you also said that they weren't something a human expect them to be. You said that like you know so much about them, If they were even true Sasha, tell me the truth. "

Mikasa wasn't dumb, she can pick up with people easily despite the fact that she prefer being alone most of the time. Sasha gave her a nervous laughter while sipping her tea, it was an advantage that Mikasa knows Sasha for a very long time. She could easily read her like an open book Sasha is hiding something from her and she needed to know what that is. The brown haired woman gave her a smile ,  " I don't know what you're talking about Mikasa. If it's about vampires, I read a lot of book about them besides the scientist said that there aren't vampires but a serial killer in that place. Right? Don't you remember Dr. Kirschtein said that in the news?"

Right, there was. doctor named Jean Kirschtein who is apparently the one testing the dead bodies, and based on the autopsy that he run to the body it says that the dead man was attack by a steel object with two sharp points.

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