Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Mikasa had been plague by those dreams for a very long time, it's even worse than her dreams when she is still in the human world, though there are dreams that is peaceful and portrays the love of Eren and Mikasa with each other- the other dreams is just horrifying and bitter. The dreams of death and pool of blood , Mikasa couldn't shake it off her mind, although it wasn't so bad- not that bad at least.

For the most part, Mikasa remembers her first life as the Queen and how she was able to rule over her people. For a Queen, she wasn't really that kind - in the human world she is more like tyrant but with a good motivation. She remembers how she used to rule over her people, she does not hesitate to draw sword when needed nor hesitate when others betray her. She was a terror when she became a Queen, however, even if she is a Torror Royalty- she is respected by those around of her as she led their kind to victory in ruling over the world.

Mikasa take a deep breath,
" Ah, now..there are no other creatures here. Shouldn't giants and dwarfs be in this world? I haven't heard anything about them." She talk to herself.

Mikasa was startled.

" It's impossible.." Eren came inside and sat down at one of the fine chairs, he called for a servant and ask her to bring some tea. " The communication between all types of creatures has been cut down two hundred years ago. "

Recovering from that,
" Eh, why?" Mikasa ask, puzzled. 'What could be the cause of it?'
"A war happened two hundred years ago between all creatures and it brought disaster to everyone. So, the creatures decided that it would be best to stop interacting with one another. The idea isn't so bad."

Eren cross his legs. " Was that the only thing you are curious of?"

Mikasa smiled at him, " Yes, thank you for feeding my curiosity."

Eren became flustered so he avoid looking at her.

"Oh, you are so cute." Impulsively, Mikasa ran towards him and hold his face in between her hands. " Look at your face, it's bright red. It's as if you've been burned or something, haha." She laughs as his face turns even more red. "You look like a little rabbit with that expression of yours..haha, that makes me want to kiss you all over your face."

Eren's eyes widen at her words, he sighs while she was still laughing. Eren grabbed her wrist and pull her face close to his,
" Don't tease me, you wouldn't like how we would end up if you continued."

He look at the bed in her back. Upon the realization, Mikasa's face turned red. Her other hand which is still attached to his cheeks slowly let go and she got up, gulping.

"Um..haha, you wouldn't do it anyway."

"I can.." Her face which is already red became even more red this time and her heart beats increased. There was an unfamiliar feeling inside of her stomach.

"Oh, please you wouldn't do it."

Eren got up from his seat and slowly approach her. Her eyes widen because of shock, she was nervous, is he going to kiss her? Her heart pounded at that thought. Once their distance became so close that she could feel his warmth. Their lips met and like a hungry beast Eren devoured her lips, she was shock but she did not pushed him away. The feeling of it was welcomed, her heart pounded as she returned the kiss. His hand vegan to roam around of her body and Mikasa held onto him. Soon, without realizing it, they fell to the bed and as Eren's gums ache because of their kiss, he wanted to bite into her thin neck- however, he couldn't risk it. Drinking the blood of a mortal can get them killed if it's not destinies for them. There's only a very few occasions were in, a vampire could freely marry a mortal woman. If the vampire drink the blood of a mortal then they will die. At his hesitation, Mikasa's interest gradually died down. She sighs and smiled painfully, she doesn't know when she had come to love him.

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