Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Darkness, something that should be feared of because of what's inside of it that you can't see, darkness is such a negative word, something that a lot of people feared but all of us have our own darkness, a negative emotion deep inside of us, Wickedness, evil, vile and vicious , everyone has those sides, it's just that some people concealed it well and never showed itnto anyone, a mask, a facade, a perfect example of a wolf in a sheep's clothing, surely deep inside all of us has our own desires, people may deemed it heartless or selfless, based on how you act and how they see it. Everyone has different mentalities, a different view of the world and he was just that man with a different view of this world, but they said that ther eis a beauty in darkness, what could be it? Perhaps, he  couldn't see it in himself because he is different and deep inside he knowd that the hollow darkness in him never fade, he knows, he could feel it, spreading at the cofner of the room, the darkness that lives inside of him that sometimes he couldn't control.
He couldn't control him and it's too bad because he couldn't fight him. The darkness spread even more inside of the room, as he panted and sweats all over, exhausted because he tried to stop it but he couldn't do it.

The darkness is way stronger than him. Eren continued to shake and sweat, his eyes alnost turning white from trying to stop the monster inside of him who tried to fight him and repel everything that hs tried to infused on the body causing him pain.

" You know that there is only one way to get rid of me and tha tis the blood tree. " The shadow said as if it was mocking him. "Poor you, the blood tree is dying and soon the vampires would be erased in this world." It says, laughing like a maniac at him. "What will the king do then? Watch as his subjects died because they couldn't drink the human's blood. "

Humans, some vampires addiction. A human blood could be poisonous for them especially if that human is not destinied for them, humans are like a sweet addiction, they were like drugs that even if you know that it is bad for you, you would still go for it.

Eren took a deep breath as he tried to control the mojster inside of him. "You are no fun." It says. "I know what you wanted, I've been living inside of you for five hundred years, you couldn't deny anything to me, I know all of your desires."  It said with a rasp voice, the monster chuckled..
"You wanted it right?"

He didn't answer him.

"From that day when you saw her at Erwin's Office, you wanted her. Those eyes, I know that eyes Eren, full of wanting, full of temptation , I know that you wanted her so what's stopping you from wanting her. Is it because she looks exactoy like your dead wife? Is that the only thing or is it because you feeo something for her? Don't say anything, I know the answer to my questions." He stayed queit as the monster spoke.  
"I'm not wrong, you wanted her. What an immoral man, wanting someyhing just because she look like his dead wife? Tell me what do you think she wilo feel of she found out that you only want her just because she looks like her. "

"Shut up!!" He shouted as he tried to get up with so much struggles, as the monster still tried to stay in bed but he wanted to get up, to get rid of him. "I would kill you if I can."

The monster only laugh.
" Sure, sure. " It said in a mocking tone. He finally get up after the monster give up his struggles. "You may be the king but I'm still a lot stronger than you, I couldn control you however I like Eren, remember that."

The monster inside of him is inside of his body for more than five hundred years, it was there with him even beofre his wife died and the shadow know a lot of things about him, even his secrets but he is harder to control this days, the monster keep on tormenting him with his words.

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