Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

A/N: As you can see, I really suck at fantasy. Never again, I'll never write fantasy again.. I have to learn it better first. Lol, writer's block at it's finest but don't worry, Plot is written anyway. They are about to go to the World of Vampires Ahhhhh!! 😏 Things are about to go....

[Ok, I know Author's note is annoying.]


Silence fell over the two of them, both didn't say anything after that, they don't know what to do. An inner turmoil becomes their barrier as they sat on the couch quietly but both of them know that they need to speak up too, they couldn't just spend the whole night quietly .

Mikasa took a deep breath, his breath shook and Eren could  hear it perfectly, her heart pounding on her chest due to nervousness. How could she not be nervous? She will he asking him ridiculous questions about that woman and she doesn't even know if he knows that woman even if he is a vampire. It is weird and stupid, Mikasa bit her lower lip to try and calm herself. She look at him with the most determinated look she could put on her face at that moment. He might think that she is crazy but her dreams felt real for her, as if she could feel the emotions of that woman in her dreams and the man inside of her dreams, she is very sure that it is him.

.They had the same facial structure, even if she couldn't see the man's face clearly, she is sure that it is him. Mikasa knows Eren is a vampire and she had search them up too, with little to no clues at all but she is infront of a vampire right now and she will risk it.
The woman in her dreams said that I am you and you are me, which meant they are only the same person.

"Eren.. I'm sure, you are the man in my dreams." Mikasa look at him with a serious expression. "You are him, I could feel it in my heart."

"What are you talking about?" He ask in confusion but his heart started pounding too, in  excitement, in nervousness, in fear, in shock--he doesn't even know for if is tremendously overwhelming. The feeling that could drown you if you don't know how to swim, that's how it feels like for him.

"I am….her." She smiled at him as tears started trickling down her face like a waterfall but she had the more beautiful smile on her face even if she is crying. The world momentarily stop for Eren as he processed her words.

He felt happy but sad at the same time, it is conflicting, a fity-fifty situation for him. He doesn't feel sad because she is reborn, he feels sad because he knows that the Mikasa of this lifetime doesn't love him yet. Tears started falling down in his eyes too because finally after five hundred years of waiting, she is here with him again. He could feel the weight on his heart lessen as he look at her, he couldn't stop himself from smiling very hard, it felt really amazing to be with her.

"How did you know you are
still, even if it gave him massive amount of happiness, her dreams couldn't be the only proof… What if she just dreamed of him the way she wanted too, it could happen, couldn't it? Mikasa look at him, biting her lower lip as her eyes seemed tp speak a thousand words he doesn't understand, it's like her eyes wanted to talk but he couldn't understand it.

"Well, it was a dream. In that dream, I saw a woman standing beside the tree, she had a pretty white dress and everything around her seems calm, the tree in which she is close to is a big tree that has a red fruit as it's fruits but it was an unusual tree, the tree seems to be producing blood and when I look up to see the woman, she had the same face as me and she told me that 'I am you and you are me.' Besides all of that, I have other dreams about you and her too."    She explained everything according to how she interpreted it. ".. At first, I was confused. It couldn't happen, that is very impossible, but as it continue to progress, I think I finally understood and I came to the conclusion that I am her and she told me to help you." Mikasa sighed as she explain. "It might seem…"

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