Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Eren doubted the situation , the concept of reincarnation maybe believed to be true but he is skeptical, he wanted to be very careful and wise towards his decision. If she really is her, then why don't she remember anything? Is it Ymir's punishment from his decision a long time ago? He decided without thinking through and the consequences of his actions is beginning to bite him back in the ass. He doesn't know what he should do next.
He gulp down the saliva from his throat, he is acting without thinking again but he already said it, he couldn't take it back, the King's words could never be broken. He took a deep breath as he waited for her answer.

Mikasa is just looking at him but he could hear her heart beating so fast, in a moment like this - all he could hear is her heartbeat beating faster than normal, nervousness taking over her. Mikasa gulp but still, she proceed to look at him with determination, she is sure with her answers.

"I'm sure, I won't say it if I'm not. She is me and I am her, I have a responsibility to fulfill." In her determinated voice, eyes focus on him, the aura radiating from her, her words is true but Eren, Eren doesn't want to believed it - to know his wife is alive again, reincarnated to this woman, he doesn't know what to feel about it but it's certain, that he felt heavy and his heart doesn't like the feeling of that heaviness. Eren sighed then proceed to look at the night sky.

"That world is full of chaos."

"It doesn't matter." She respond.

"They will kill you if you go there."

"They would?" and finally, Eren is satisfied, it seems that she had finally back down. Her next words, shook him to the core. Her words is full of bravery, yet full of foolishness.
"Then, I'd die for the sake of them."

To die for others, what good is there? Would you die for people that you barely even know.
He found it unbelievable and stupid but she had always been like that, speaking with passion for the greater good of others while he would kill others for his love ones .
She'd sacrificed her life for others but he would sacrifice others for the life of the people he love.

"Are you--?"

"As their Queen, my responsibility is to save their lives, to keep them protected from harm and those vampires who had killed many humans, they shall experience tragedy in my hands. Do you understand me Eren?"

"You speak carelessly." Yet, you seem to know anything in order to make a good decision.

" Fine."
He finally gave in to her words and he stood up, his wet hair is finally dry and Mikasa stood up too, she gulp and her heart is raising so fast, ridiculously fast.He held her hands and one minute, they are on the world of vampires.

" Open your eyes."
He said sofftly so Mikasa did open her eyes to see her surrounding. Mikasa look up at Eren and to the world again, it's pretty, prettier than the human word it seems but the sky is a little scary, the sky is totally dark and the Moon is their guide, it's big here compared to when she is in the human world. There is a lot of flying creatures and a lot of trees surrounding the place but there is one tree that caught her attention, in all it's shining glory , the blood tree is the most eye catching tree that she had ever seen.

"Mikasa?" He looks at her with eyes full of concern when he felt her shoulders shaking uncontralably.
"I-I can't believe it!"
Mikasa shouted, "I am... Here again, it felt so familiar. I really am her, thank you Eren."

"No problem but you should rest first."

"I'm fine..."but her legs felt weak and she suddenly collapsed into his arms. He smiled at her.

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