Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It's about to be Dawn soon and Eren's fever shows no sign of going down, his body is so hot that one touched from him is equivalent to being accidentally burned by a pan, but Mikasa couldn't do anything about it as his body refused the medicine she had given him.

The composition of a vampire's body is different of a normal human as they evolved to drink blood, Mikasa could only watch him as he shivers. So, Mikasa endured and doesn't say anything that it hurts when he touches her.

He looks weak and his eyes is blurry, just like any sickness when it's very high, his eyes dilated as Mikasa panics because she doesn't know what to do with him. The way he sweats, and when he turn and toss himself as if finding a comfortable position every two seconds or so, it's like he is having a nightmare while he fell onto slumber.

She sigh, turning around to wet another towel and put it on his forehead, Mikasa stayed beside him the whole nIght, when he finally stop tossing, it gave her ease so she put her head on the bed and sleep like that.  The ringing feeling on his head and the hammering that goes deep inside his skull, that's what he is feeling right now. His body is so hot and he could feel it yet he felt so cold and he needed one more quilt to protect himself from the cold that assualted his skin.

He could feel the wet towel being out on his head. When he woke up, he is surprised to see her sleeping beside him, His head still hurts, the monster he tried to control deep inside of him seems uncontrollable at times, he struggled controlling it and sometimes he end up hurting other when he did.

He couldn't sometimes suppress the surge to drink blood thus resulting in him drinking Mikasa's blood, he had never once drink a human blood as he is sattisfied with the blood given by the blood tree as it is sweet like chocolates and thick but when he tasted her blood, he is able to differentiate the blood tree from her blood. The blood tree is a lot thicker but her blood is sweeter.

He could get used to it, get addicted to her blood and suck them all out.

The monster inside himself urges him to do so.

"Mikasa," That name, the name of the person he loves the most, the person he long to see for five hundred years after her death, until her very last breath she look at him with those same warm eyes of her and he hated it, he hated it so much because it made him feel so weak, when she died she took a big piece of him with her and he doesn't want it to happen again, because he could feel it again and it's like he's falling in love all over again. He headed a moan and soon she woke up and look at him with a shock expression on her face.

" Are you alright, something hurts? You can tell me Eren." The woman said with a worried tone in her face, the look of sheer worriedness, he could see it in her eyes. Eren shook his head.

" I'm fine now, I just need water."  She smiled as she get up but he could see that he is panicking while he is looking at her. He hated how much he looks like her, how much their voices sounded the same and even when it's been five hundred years, he could see her in the corner of the palace, in those broken recorders containing her voice, they even had the same voice and he hates their similarities because it felt like he is falling for the same person all over again.

The sadness due to her death was long buried deep inside of him but when she came, he could feel it again, crawling deep inside of him just to punch him in his gut, squeeze his heart in pain and shatter him all over again. He stood up and Mikasa tried to help him walk  but he didn't recover just yet so instead, he fell on her and their lips met. Her heart pondered inside of her chest, her eyes wide open from shokc and he just staring at her with the same wide eyes but he quickly stood up and grit his teeth.

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