author's note

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What's up guys! I'm so glad you've been enjoying this story so far and I'm excited to keep this going, though I will admit, combining two stories with school, friends, hobbies and finding a job is kinda hard lol. I'm trying to update regularly, so PLEASE be patient!!

I'm sick once again so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write much until I'm better, but I'll try my best.

Also, I'm glad I already have 200 reads on this story!! Thank you sm! I was actually writing this story for myself because I've been crazy about demon slayer for the past few months. Season 2 is AMAZING and Tanjiro keeps going up on my favourites list. But I'm glad you all enjoy this story as well for as far as I've gone for now.

I'll try to keep things up, because I'm thinking of putting my Midoriya x OC to a stop! I might have a proper ending for it, but I'll put that in an author's note on the other story. Thank you for your patience!!!

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