Chapter 6

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Amaya ran through the forest alongside her two companions, trying to get closer to the demon controlling these spiders. Inosuke had found the demon's whereabouts with his all-out seventh form of his self-made breathing style, so that's where they were headed right this moment. Their goodbye to the unknown demon slayer wasn't as pleasant though, which is why Inosuke was still raging and complaining as they ran. "Damn it! I'm gonna punch that guy if it's the last thing I do!" complained Inosuke while Amaya groaned at his loudness. "You already punched him, dumbass", retorted Amaya, having to duck for an incoming fist from Inosuke.

"Stop talking like that!" ordered Tanjiro, to which Amaya only scoffed and continued her run, reluctantly obeying to Tanjiro's orders. "He called me a stupid boar! Okay, Monjiro?!" spoke Inosuke, seemingly unable to get anyone's name right. "It's Tanjiro!" screamed the boy in question, seemingly fed up with Inosuke's complaining. Amaya really couldn't blame him, though. She herself absolutely hated the loudness they were constantly dragging around, much preferring the silence instead. "So, anyway, we're heading the right way, right?" asked Tanjiro to Inosuke, who seemed to mellow out just slightly after hearing Tanjiro's question. "My senses never lie", bloated the boar-boy, his tone oozing with confidence. 

Amaya shook her head as thick threads began to weave around her face and hair, the feeling almost distracting her from their actual goal. She shook her arms around herself, groaning in annoyance and accidentally bumping into Inosuke's shoulder as he came to a sudden stop. She huffed as she tried to regain her balance, her haori being pulled not really making that easier for her. "Watch where you're walking, you hag!" complained Inosuke, while Amaya only rolled her eyes and snatched her haori back to focus on the task at hand. There were people, demon slayers to be exact, standing in front of them yet again. The only difference they held was the fact that most of these slayers, seemed to be alive.

In front of them stood a girl with black hair in a ponytail, dragging a corpse along with her that was stuck to her sword and another dead boy in her other hand, his eye seemingly missing from his skull. "No... Please summon someone of higher rank! Otherwise everyone will get killed! Please...Please!" pleaded the girl, tears streaming down her face. Amaya felt her muscles tense as she stared ahead, hearing Tanjiro gasp in horror from beside her. Suddenly, the girl raised both of her hand forcefully, a panicked cry sounding from her throat as she stumbled over her feet. "Run!" pleaded the girl once more before slashing her sword at Tanjiro, Amaya immediately jumping back and noticing that this girl was way stronger than the other demon slayers they just faced.

The girl stood in place, swinging her sword from left to right at high speed, probably too much for her to handle judging by the way the rest of her body jerked from her own strength. "I'm being controlled! So my movements aren't my own at all! I was never this strong!" Suddenly, her arms were forced behind her back, a sickening crack followed by a horrid scream invading Amaya's mind, making her freeze on the spot. The girl went after Tanjiro, cracks and cries heard as her body moved in impossible ways. The sound of threads being pulled alerted Inosuke and Amaya, making them turn around to face the two demon slayers that were forced off the ground.

Their limbs were twisted and broken, blood streaming down they faces as their lifeless eyes stared back at the group. It seemed only one of them was alive, his voice breaking as he tried to speak. "P-Please kill me... My arms and legs... The bones are piercing my inner organs! Every time I'm forced to move, the pain's intense... I can't take it anymore! Either way, I'll die. So please, help me!" Amaya swallowed thickly at the demon slayer's terrifying request, though her face remained stoic and serious. She quickly drew her sword, bowing her head the slightest bit before speeding over towards the demon slayer. She knew murder was wrong, but in this case, death was better than the pain this slayer went through. His injuries were probably never going to be fixed again, so Amaya figured that putting him out of his misery wasn't such a bad thing.

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