Mystery under the Burqa?

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He was a fantasy
I wished never came true

"You have what?" I thought, I heard something wrong and questioned to reconfirm. I got the same answer and I knew I was in big trouble. "No. It's alright. It wasn't exactly your fault. Just take care and let me know if you need help." I looked at the picture of God behind me. Was he really there?

Without wasting any time, I sat in my car and went to the police station and called for officer George. He seemed easier to convince and I hoped, he understood my situation.

Oh! Fuck my luck! George was on patrolling so, Lucus came. I controlled my frustration and explained to him the predicament I was under. "Mr Lucus, I hope you understand, we will not be able to help this time."

Lucus asked me to come to the cafeteria and I agreed. I needed caffeine too. We ordered two cappuccinos and the moment I sipped it, I felt relaxed. "Look, Miss Cooper, I understand your situation but we don't have a choice. It's an order directly from the higher officials," Lucus bent a little and whispered, "and it's irrevocable. Someone very important and big is coming to our town. The authorities told us the police cannot be seen with them and only a local private security guard will take care of them. The said person is coming to our town in search of peace and solitude and police uniforms will bother them."

I doubted Lucus. He was exaggerating I could feel. No higher authorities would give those details. I wasn't in a position to counter-question him but I had a plan. "Mr Lucus, you are so brave and efficient, can't you represent our agency? We will pay you, of course." I was hoping he would accept my offer but he smirked.
Oh! That looked bad.

"Miss Cooper, are you bribing me?" My eyes widened at his accusation and I nodded in a firm no. "Good. I know you won't even attempt such a thing. As much as, I want to help a girl need, I can't do much. You have to arrange for someone to receive the guest and be with them for seven days or you can forget the aids from the government when you shelve your company. I am sure you don't want that. So, go on, find someone because the fees you will get for this assignment is huge. Enough to pay for your yearly bills. Thank you, for the coffee. I should leave now."

I gulped the coffee I was drinking. Chivalry was dead! He proposed the idea of coffee and he left the bill to me? Oh! I hate this Firan Lucus. But what now?

"Miss Cooper, I found you a solution, why don't you go as a representative of your agency? I am sure you know a bit about protecting someone? Besides, I think you would look great dressed as a security guard. Good luck!" It was crystal clear. Lucus was a sadist who was enjoying my misery.

But I was a fighter and would win this challenge. I decided, if this was the last assignment of a company, my father created and put his heart and soul into, I would give it a grand farewell. I would be the guard to whoever the "important" person was and send them in a single piece back to wherever they came from.

I had a light dinner and set my dress for the next morning. A sky blue shirt with dark blue pant and a matching cap with a big black belt would make me look, wow. The look of Lucus's face flashed my thoughts and I wanted to shoot him.

I wondered, if, by any chance, Kenny was coming to my small town and I would be his guard for seven days. I felt horny imagining the scene. Us, alone in a villa, playing the game of seduction. Playing our roles of a female security guard with top four buttons opened, flaunting big boobs and him being the master roaming around naked with a big dick hiding under a silk robe.
Fuck! I was so titillated for my ultimate fantsay, my Kenny. I knew, I won't meet him ever or at least not in the porny way, I imagined. So, the least I could do was to dream about fucking the hell out of him. Only if, I knew how to fuck in reality. I had my share of fun in high school but I never had proper sex. I was a virgin at the age of twenty-three, it was legitimate to feel desperate.

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