Miss My Type

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The smiles and giggles between
the first kiss and the second are
a sign of an achingly incomplete
feeling of passion and chastity.

"I could blackmail you in future, spoil your image, even." After all, I said to her she was concerned about my image.

"If you say anything, I would accept it with grace. To make love to you endlessly was my choice and I won't deny it." If she accepted what I desired, it would be like a prayer was answered. Cooper was driving me crazy and I wanted to figure out if it was just physical attraction or more. I guaranteed her no love and its drama but I wasn't so sure myself. She was the kind of girl one often defined as "my type". But I was ready for anything, a heartbreak also for that one kiss of her version she would give to me willingly.

She was trying to find out if I was lying to her but she won't find an inch of dishonesty in me because I don't remember the last time I expressed myself so truthfully.
I stood next to her and took her soft like a muslin cloth hands between my palms. "Don't pressure your tiny brain. It's okay if you say no. I would still spend my days with you just the way you like. I wished for something and told you in good faith. I understand your hesitancy. I have a girlfriend and have not broken up with her. Like a pervert, I am asking for sex from some other girl. Trust me I cannot understand myself at this moment. The reason is you. You have made me completely and absolutely insane."

Cooper was quiet and so was I. The heaviness I felt in my heart was somewhere gone. Confessing my feelings to Cooper relieved me. She looked fucked up even before I fucked her up. Shit! I messed with her brain.

"Albeli, are you inside?"

Cooper jerked hearing Genna's shrill voice. Cooper inhaled a deep breath and answered the door. Genna said something to her which I couldn't hear. They were talking and I was getting curious.

"I know he is not your boyfriend. You guys are just faking it. What are you offering him in return for playing your pretend boyfriend? Your sluty body?"

"What makes you think that way, Genna? I don't appreciate you questioning my girlfriend again and again. Cooper is a great girl and deserves someone of her stature. I am just lucky she chose me." Cooper's face was stoic. She didn't appreciate this boyfriend girlfriend game but I hated Genna putting her down.

"A boyfriend who cannot even say his girlfriend's name and a girlfriend who calls her beloved with his surname? I am sorry Kenny but only a fool would believe that."

What logic was that?
"It's our choice, Genna." I was angry and God save people who witness my anger. "You run a small boutique in Gold Coast, right? My one tweet against it and it would shut down." I would never do such a thing, but if provoked, I could do worse.

"Huh?! Aahahaha! God! You two are so cute. I was just teasing you guys. I wanted to know to what lengths you could go for my baby sister." Genna hugged Cooper catching her off guard. Bitch. "I am so happy for you. Also, you can stay in one room if you want. I will tell grandpa you two are endgame. Meant for each other. See you at dinner, bye." Genna left from there like a goat was unleashed before slaughter.

When she was out of sight, Cooper burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that she couldn't even stand. I couldn't stop laughing myself. Genna was a bitch but if she made my girl laugh like that I would keep her as our pet.
Fuck! The sound of "my girl". As if the happiness of the thought was not enough, I received a tight hug from the girl I would love to call 'mine'.

Her hug was like fire in the cold and the lava in me melted instantly. It was like a rainbow post heavy downpour. "Thank you, Mr Kellar. I have longed to see that defeated look on Genna's face. I always thought she was invincible. But you made her run away as a dog runs away from water. Hahaha." Cooper was still laughing holding me in her arms.

I wrapped my arms around her and suddenly her laughter died. She was trying to come out of my hold but I didn't want to let her go. I held her tighter. If this was the only thing I was going to get from her, I might as well feel it while it lasts. I wished it lasted, forever.

Of late, why all my wishes centred around Cooper, I had no clue. Probably the intensity of emotions I felt towards her was so immense that if I was granted three wishes from God, I would only ask for Cooper to say "yes".

"Leave me, Mr Kellar," Cooper requested in a shy soft tone that aroused me more. I didn't losen my grip. "Don't tell me I didn't blame you."

Wait, what did that mean?
Laughter boomed in the room. Hers and mine. Cooper had a unique way of coming out of my grip. She tickled me and kept tickling me till I raised my hands in surrender. Little witch! "God! Al just stop!"

Before I could catch my breath, she pulled my shirt and brought me to her level. She was around seven or eight inches shorter than me. She looked into my eyes and smiled. What was she up to? Kill me?

She killed me with the elixir. Her kiss. She was correct. I didn't know what a kiss was until today. "You mind kissing me back?"
She repeated what I said to her and that made me blush so hard. There is a difference between feeling overwhelmed with passion and the blush that creeps in like mangrove roots because someone says something so mushy to you.

We attached our lips. Her lower lip was between my lips while her upper lip was moving in sync with my heartbeats. Our kiss was slow and our bodies were still at a palm's distance. I pulled her closer and that increased the pace of our kiss. I was feeling so aroused that I doubted, I would cum in my pants. My hand was gently massaging her neck and her hand was leisurely playing with my hair.

We broke the kiss to catch our breaths and I could see her face was glowing like a thousand pearls. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was uneven. Mine was too. Was the idea I proposed good? Because this face I kissed, this moment I kissed will be etched in my memory till the day I die.

Cooper opened her eyes but didn't see me. Her eyes were flickering like a candle's flame in the wind. Was she regretting what she did?
Please don't.

"I am not regretting anything, Mr Kellar." Could she read my thoughts?
"But I don't know if I would be able to proceed further." Cooper said with honesty and I could understand her dilemma. She was probably an old school not looking for any meaningless sex. To think of it, it was an absurd idea. She lived in a small town and it would be hard for her to digest my proposal.

"This was more than enough. Don't worry. We'll take it slow. Whatever you decide." I was still hoping for more? What was wrong with me? Words of denial that "it's okay, let's chuck the idea and move on" were not ready to come out of my mouth.

Cooper smiled but her shyness was sexier than her sass. Could I kiss her again? I wanted to eat her. Cooper's demeanour had changed. She looked at me and I could hold no longer. I slammed my lips on hers and she reciprocated with equal fervour. This time, I glued her to me and she held me tighter. The progress was great but I was greedy. I kissed her hungrily while she was still calm. If we had sex it would be a fight between the jungle fire and rain.

My hand wanted to grip her great ass but I feared she would get scared. Haha! What was she doing to me?
Fuck! My idea of fuck!
Dear Readers
What are your thoughts on Kenny's idea of meaningless sex? Is it possible for two people attracted to each other to have just "meaningless" sex?
What will be Albeli's answer and where the answer takes the story will be interesting to read.
I assure.

Stay hooked!

Lots of love!

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