Mr Judgemental

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The plot twist of my boring life was like a blurb from a Wattpad fiction
but I wasn't the main character in the story.

He planned all this. A group of young girls and boys who had surfboards in their hands surrounded him and couldn't believe such a big actor was casually roaming around on the beach. The news spread like jungle fire and more and more people were approaching to meet him. He was hugging and posing merrily with his fans.
Good, God! Does he not fear the nasty coronavirus?

"Sir, Sir, we need to go, please," I shouted but he dismissed my request and continued pleasing his fans.

Oh! Fuck! The media vans. Did we have any in Sugar Coast? I never saw my town on any news. Pushing the crowd, I made my way to Kenny and told him sternly, "Come with me, at once. The media is here too. You cannot be..." Kenny turned his back to me and greeted his admirers.

"What the..." I turned around and saw two boys behind me, passing me dirty, suggestive looks. I punched one of them and he fell flat on the sand. Everything fell silent. Kenny looked at me in astonishment. The other boy helped the boy I punched, stand up. His nose was bleeding. I truly was a great artist. His face looked better with a crooked nose. Though, for what he did, he deserved more.

"Why would you punch him? You can't do that to my fans." Kenny was fuming in anger. Could he for once, give me the benefit of the doubt? "I am sorry, dude. She is my security guard, just too protective for me. I apologise on her behalf. It was nice meeting with all of you. Bye." Kenny tried to leave but his fans were too overwhelmed to let him go. He kept requesting them but they just didn't listen. I was getting nervous but it was time for action.

I grabbed Kenny's arm and pulled him out of the crowd. We almost ran to the car which was parked quite far. The media, the fans and random people were following us like a bear to honey. Before the situation could get out of control, I told Kenny to run faster and thankfully, he obliged. We reached the car but I was shivering. It was my first field experience and I was failing. I unlocked the car and we sat inside. I was panting and so was Kenny. People surrounded our car and obstructed our way. They were chanting his name like prayer and I could see myself on the other side of the window. I would do the same.

I opened the sunroof and requested people to let us go. "If you love him, please let him go. We will arrange a meet and greet for you, soon, if you behave. Please let him leave, right now." On top of my voice, I begged his fans and amidst a lot of,
"Promise us"
"We love you, Kenny"
We zoomed our car and I took an alternate route to the villa. The media cars were following us and I just couldn't let them know the place he was staying. It was almost an hour but we were aimlessly roaming in the car. When finally the media cars stopped following us, I breathed a sigh of relief. There was silence in the car as none of us spoke but our hearts were shouting. I knew he was angry but I was furious because everything happened because of him.

We came inside the villa and I sat down on the nearest chair. Kenny turned on the television, probably to check if he made it to the news but it wasn't he who was the highlight of the news. It was me.
Good God!
I stood in front of the television to hear the news carefully. The boy I punched, accused me of physically harming him. He said it was common for the security of big celebs to mistreat their fans. Everyone on social media and the news was demanding an apology from Kenny and me.

Kenny turned off the television and held me from my arm. "Do you have any idea the trouble you have put yourself and me into? This is going to make news even in the U.S. now. You couldn't control the crowd, so you hit a random boy and scare everyone? Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to make your name? To earn this incredible fandom? Huh! What would you know? You just run a small security company that does not even have sufficient employees. This is your first assignment, right? Thank God, this will be your last. YOU ARE FIRED!"

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