Miss Alturist

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She walked into my picture like it's missing figure.

Walking with a canvas in one hand and colours in the other was my fan, I fancied so fervently. I observed Al who was hotter than before. She was wearing dark blue shorts with a simple yellow crop top and basic flip flops but she looked extraordinary. I was ogling at her knowing very well she was a mother of a little boy but she belonged to me. Just me.

When she came near me, I examined her radiant face was pale and her eyes were puffy, like she had cried for hours. My hand inadvertently touched her cheek and it sparked my soul. Her skin was still soft like a newborn baby and it raised my desire to touch her more.

"Hi," She said plainly.

"Hi," Mine came like a deep sigh. What was I? A Fourteen-year-old teenager meeting his crush in secret? Al tried to hide the smile that was almost there on her lips. Even a blind person could see my desperation. "Thanks for coming. I see you have your painting material with you and the sun is about to set, so would you like to..."

She walked towards a rock without letting me complete my statement. I followed her and asked her where she would like me to pose?

"I can paint you with my eyes closed."

Al was married. She can't flirt with me. She should not. I let it pass and asked her what I should do then?

"Just watch the moonrise."

"Moonrise?" I asked her in amusement.

"Sunset and sunrise are magical but moonrise is divine. There is something intriguingly magnificent about the night sky. It gives you a clear picture in the dark."

She was painting while the sun was setting and the moon was rising. She didn't need a model so I took out my phone and captured the aesthetics in front of me. My Sun, my Moon, my Star, my Al. Fuck! I loved her so much that it pained my heart.

"What's the name of your husband?" I couldn't bear the time she was taking to complete her painting. I was getting restless.

"Do you see a ring on my finger?"

Fuck! She was a single mother?

"Al, I am in no mood of solving riddles and puzzles. I am drained out. My patience is giving up and I swear I won't bother you ever again. Just tell me why you never wanted to see me? I know you saw all my interviews, social media posts. Understood my hints, my desperation then why did you never contact me? I know I was wrong but I deserved one chance." I looked at Al after saying what I wanted to for years but she was busy painting the moon, stars and the ocean. "For heaven's sake just keep that brush down and talk to me." I couldn't control any longer and almost shouted at her.

The brush slipped from her hands and in the faint darkness, I could see her eyes turn glassy. Then like a river, tears trickled down her magnetic eyes. Was I that harsh? She covered her face with her palms and I panicked.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I squatted to her level and tried to remove her hands. I felt soulless to see her tear stricken face.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to create this mess but it happened. I..." Al hiccuped and I wipped her tears. I sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her. She clutched my t-shirt and sobbed harder. I guess she was housing emotions inside her for a long time. I kept rubbing her back to calm her but she couldn't control herself. I wiped my tears from my free hand. I didn't know what her troubles were but seeing her so helpless and vulnerable made me weak. After a while, her breathing became normal and I knew she was feeling relieved.

"Jimmy is Genna and Mike's son." oh! What a relief I felt.

"Genna died giving birth to him and Mike was too heartbroken to raise him. Somehow Mike found me and requested me to take care of Jimmy for a day or two. I agreed because Mike looked shattered and Jimmy's eyes told me he needed me. I needed a diversion too from you and your thoughts.
Mike promised he would return after settling everything but he never came back and my grandparents refused to take Jimmy in because apparently, he was an illegitimate child. Genna's mother was diagnosed with cancer so she wasn't an option either."

Al put her head on my shoulder and tangled her arm in mine like it was something we did often. We had never done that but I've never felt so satisfied. My heart did a happy dance.

"Raising Jimmy in a foster home was an easy option but when I left him there, I felt like I committed a crime. So, I adopted him legally. The life I had, I didn't want for any other child and Jimmy filled my life with pure love. It was tough considering my financial condition and your investigators searching for me everywhere but I managed."

I smiled remembering the time I hired an army of investigators to search for Al. I knew she was going to sell her security agency and that would give me a hint but she didn't and I could never reach her.

"How does this answer my question of you not meeting me?"

Al stiffened a little and distanced herself. I felt cold in the absence of her touch. "I thought- you were... I was hurt okay! So hurt. I felt betrayed, raged and heartbroken. Do you know how much strength it took me to write that letter to you? I didn't want you to blame yourself for anything and ruin your career. Sometimes, I feel I am God because I am too good to be called a human."

There... There was my Al. Sassy, savage and witty.

"When we were together you saw me just as sex meat to satisfy your cravings and the moment we parted you went all Romeo. Could you not show this side of yours when we were together?" Al held my collar and I felt scared. Her eyes were depicting resentment, pain and betrayal. I did everything to make her feel that way.

"Sorry," I whispered under my breath but Al heard.

"It took me six months to subside my anger and channelise it positively. I got an offer from an artist who needed an assistant in Santorini. It was my best escape and I decided to come here. But Genna died and Mike left Jimmy to me. I lost that job because I got delayed with the adoption process and an added responsibility."

I was moved with Al's story. She had to go through so much. She was mothering a child whose mother was her arched rival.


Holy Mary! My name sounded like an answered prayer from her mouth.

"The reason I never came to you knowing very well you were waiting for me was because Jimmy became an inevitable part of my life and I could not leave him. You are a public figure and I don't want people to question him about his fath..."

I knew what bullshit she was going to rant so, I shut her up by kissing her square on her lips. I was wanting to do that since the time I saw her. She lost her balance due to my sudden attack but I caught her and put my hand on her back giving her support. "Mind kissing me back?" I ordered her and she moved her soft raspberry-like luscious lips on mine.

The moon illuminated the beach and we found our sparks back. I brought her closer and my fingers were touching her bare waist. Things were heating up and even though the beach was restricted for the general public, I had to stop.

I broke the kiss startling Al. "I don't have condoms." It took Al a few seconds to register what I was saying and when she understood, she laughed so hard that tears gathered at the bay of her eyes.

I caught those pearls before she turned emotional and kissed her forehead to assure her I was there. I didn't go on my knees but took her hands in mine and confessed, "Al, Jimmy will never be questioned about his father. He will be introduced as my son and I swear on my work I will try to give him the love he deserves. I will complete your family picture. Marry me, Al?"
Dear Readers
I hope you are smiling. Albeli and Kenny are finally together and are just a step away from their happily ever after.
Waiting for Albeli's answer? Flip to the final chapter.

Stay hooked!
Lots of love

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