Amorous Turned-off

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She was a temptress who ruled my desires.
The passion and enthusiasm of carnality
I explored with her was devilishly holy.

Al, the name I developed for the spicy Thai curry I was sleeping with sounded so beautiful. She loved it too and it earned me our first kiss. I had no words for the night I spent with Al. She refused to have sex in the absence of a condom. I knew she must be worried about getting pregnant or getting STD or just generally but I had no option. There was no market close by.

I assured her I would take out on time and if anything happened, I would take complete responsibility. The mere thought of a small Al walking around in my house with that savage attitude of hers would be a blessing. She was hesitant and that killed the moment. I was so desperate to feel her that if I wasn't a good boy that I am, I would have forced her. But nothing worked on Al. She was a stubborn head and nothing could change her decision.

Her company was good. She kept me grounded. I was surrounded with people who never said "no" to me. Never gave an honest opinion. Tia also loved everything I did. I guess, she just wanted to be with me. We were the most sort after couple and our brands grew manifold since the time we came out as couple. Al, showed me the mirror that I had the charm and magic but i was not supreme. I had to follow rules too.

"Stop being creepy, Kenny. I can feel your eyes on me."

"Stop imaging things. Your aren't that pretty." I replied and Al opened her sleepy eyes to look at me. Oh! Damn! She looked so hot!

She snuggled in my arms and I could no longer see her baby like face. If that was the punishment I got for lying, I would lie like breathing oxygen.
"Stop moving else I will forget condom was necessary." I warned her and she looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"I thought you'd never proceed."

Did I hear correctly? She was the one who created a drama for condom. I had always avoided looking into the eyes of women who I wasn't romantically involved with while I having sex but Al, captivated me let alone my gaze. With her, I avoided blinking my eyes because I didn't want to miss a single expression of hers. If she was a book, I would read it in a heartbeat. Even though we were just sleeping naked in each other arms I experienced zenith. No sex had ever satisfied my desires as much.

The cheezy lines, "She fits perfectly in my arms or she was the missing piece of the puzzle called life", I never said onscreen or offscreen to anyone, I felt it all with Al. I didn't know if what I felt for her was love or what I felt for Tia was love.

"Please don't draw comparisons between Tia and me. I am just a temporary arrangement for your insatiable desires. She is there to stay for a long time."
Al, could read my thoughts and I wondered what kind of girl would not mind a man she slept naked with think about some other girl? Was she actually so emotionless? Did anything not affect her? Could she not feel what my heart was feeling?
I didn't reply to her and wore my clothes.

She held my hand and asked me, "Did I say anything wrong?"

I didn't know why a girl so pure and righteous like her agreed to live in lust with someone she didn't love. Love? What was I thinking? I gave her my word "no love and its drama" but I couldn't help create one. She got up too, holding the blanket close to her chest looking so sexy trying to hide what I had memoried by heart. She was expecting an answer but I didn't have anything to say at that time.

"I am hungry and can't decide whether what you said was right or wrong. All I know is..." I looked at her and she reminded me of a child waiting for her test results. "Nothing is permanent in life. Neither feelings nor their consequences." I left her on the terrace and came back to my room. I was hurt, angry but most importantly helpless.
What was I doing? When did I become such a sex-maniac?

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