Miss Hottie

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My morning alarm was the sound of waves. I was still jet-lagged but I got up early and opened my room's window to a picturesque view. The sky was still pink, red and faint rays of the sun were visible. The ocean looked so serene. I quickly finished my morning business and headed to witness the beautiful sunrise.

Inhaling the fresh and cold morning air, I attempted to write poetry on the allure of the rising sun.
Sunlight is like you
Your insensibly sensible positive vibes
Cause a nuclear reaction in my life.

I heard someone chanting mantra and turned to see Cooper's grandmother offering prayers to the sun. I went near her and she asked me to fold my hands and welcome the sun and thank God for a new day, a new beginning and new hopes. I did as she told me and felt a fresh warmth of positivity inside me. I wasn't religious but believed in positive and negative energy.

"Mrs Cooper, I know it's not my place to say, but you must give Cooper another chance. She was not wrong and I feel you know it." I don't know why I was pitching for Cooper but it just felt right.

"Then she should prove that. She is too lazy and gives up so easily. We are strict with her so that she learns to fight for herself. She wears the face of a carefree person who is unaffected by the world. I don't know if you two are together or just messing with Genna but I must warn you, Albeli is way too sensitive and Genna uses that to her advantage. For the first time yesterday, she spoke about the problems in her life, I wonder if the reason was you. Anyways, it's breakfast time let's go."

Cooper's grandmother messed my morning by estimating me being a reason for her outburst. I was not. We just met three days ago. I stood there for a few more minutes before deciding to head back. But I stood rooted on my spot because surfing on the high-low sea waves in a dark blue swimsuit was my ex-security guard, Cooper, who took my breath away. It was the most conservative kind of swimsuit but it made her look sexier than any bikini model. She looked so cheerful and carefree playing in the ocean.

"Good morning, Mr Kellar."

She wished me excitedly but I was ogling at her with lustful eyes. Don't call me a pervert because only God could not feel aroused around Cooper. She waved in front of my eyes and I finally blinked. Her eyes were trying to find an answer to my strange behaviour so, I took mercy and cleared her confusion by confessing, "You look hot as hell." I didn't shy away from complimenting her because I was an actor she admired and I was certain she would cherish my admiration but her reply clean bowled me.

"Been to hell, have we?"

I had no comeback but a smile graced my face. One thing, I liked about her were her witty remarks. I loved making people laugh and spread smiles but she made me smile effortlessly.

"Mr Kellar, I apologise for last night. Genna is a pain in the ass."

"Oh! I hope it doesn't hurt much. You have a great ass and it would be rather sad to see it in pain." I couldn't believe I was capable of such filthy comments but Cooper's expressions were my reward. She wanted to show she disapproved of what I said but the red hue of shyness that crept on her face was adorably cute. This girl was drawing me close to her, physically.

"Are you sure, you are, The Kenneth Kellar? You sound like a cheap roadside Romeo."

"Yeah! I have to play Romeo in my next act. I might as well rehearse." I wanted to laugh at Cooper's confused face instead, I pulled her close to me and fuck! Those goosebumps, on her skin and mine. Hers were understandable but mine? I have made out wild with the sexiest females alive on earth but this nobody could give me goosebumps, so strong? They were right, the chase game of the 'touch me not' drama queens, does affect boys. "Remember, I am your boyfriend?" I reminded her to cover the sensations in me.

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