My Mr Kenny

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I kissed.
I kissed, The Kenneth Kellar.
I kissed, The Kenneth Kellar, my fantasy?
Nah! He fantasised about me too.

Kenny left my room after a few more kisses and I was on cloud nine. I could see the arousal in his pant and the desperation in his eyes to have sex with me. Was I so desireable? I needed time to digest his request.
My heart was at a chaotic peace. Kenny's idea was so tempting. Not many were lucky to live their fantasy. I didn't know when did I become so lucky? My feelings for Kenny were already too intense and if I chose to live the way he wanted, I knew I would have to deal with a heartbreak for the rest of my life.
He was still hooked to Tia and would eventually end up with her. For him, I was just a toy he wanted to play with but for me he was a trophy, I yearned to win. My participation in the race wouldn't matter because the winner was pre-decided.

My heart was juggling between giving in to Kenny's tempting idea or doing what was morally correct. I thought so hard that I could not think anymore. I slept on the beach in the afternoon Sun. I didn't mind the tan. The moment I closed my eyes all I could see was Kenny's gorgeous face. It was a routine for me but today I saw his face post kissing me. Happiness danced in his eyes and I wasn't sure if my sexual skills would satisfy him. Porn movies were only good for masturbating.

Giving up, I was heading home when I saw Kenny walking in my direction.
His gait was spectacular
His aura was exuberant
His face was gleaming
His presence was gold.

Wow! Kenny. You turned a painter into a poetess. It wasn't hard for me to say in words that the feeling I had in my heart for him was beyond liking or admiration. It was probably what love felt like.

I waited for him and when he reached, he gave me a beautiful smile. Unlike the first two days where all I received was frowns and anger.


"Hey," I replied coyly. The sudden shyness in me was a newly found expression. I have had a few boyfriends earlier but this man who was playing my pretend boyfriend was charming me.

"I am bored. Could we do something?"

I looked into his eyes to see if he was hinting at something but he seemed genuine. "Do you like kite flying?"

"I have never done that."

I was amazed at his answer. Kite flying was a basic childhood sport and so much fun.

"I would love to try though," he added.

"Alright, come." I gestured for him to walk with me but he held my hand and I stopped.

"Holding hands is normal," Kenny said casually and we walked to the storeroom where the kites were kept.

The fucking butterflies were back again. I picked up a red and blue coloured kite and tied a string. I had not done kite flying in a long time and wasn't sure if I could do it now. I checked the direction of the wind and explained to Kenny when to pull and when to loosen the string. Why was he a brilliant actor, I understood then. He was listening to me so carefully and I was certain our kite will fly high.

"Hey sister, up for a competition?" Genna again. Why? Why does she always have to turn everything into a competition? I wanted to deny but Kenny accepted the challenge. Why was he talking on my behalf?

He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "The one who loses will not show their face for an entire day to the other." I suppressed my laughter. Kenny knew his way out. Even if we lost we would win. A day without Genna would be blisssful.

Mike and I were flying the kite while Genna and Kenny held our spools respectively. Mike and Genna, were kissing each other occasionally making us conscious. We had kissed too but the liberty to kiss at our heart's will was missing. Kenny had a great sense of humour. He made me laugh so hard with his lame jokes that I thought we'd lose because of lack of concentration.

Genna whispered something in Mike's ear and he tried to sweep his kite from under mine to cut my string. Not so easy Mike. I had my strength with me and I will win for us. For my Kenny.

"Kenny, pull," I shouted and before Mike could register, his kite was lost somewhere in the sky whereas mine was still sailing between the clouds, proudly. "Yayyy! We won."

I raised my hand to give a high five to my partner but he pulled me in for a kiss. I could win a marathon for this reward. I blushed hard and my cheeks were red due to all the blood rush.

"Congratulations, love birds." Genna's sugar-coated anger was visible. "I guess, you won't see us tomorrow. Mike, let's go to the neighbouring village since we turn ghosts tomorrow. Enjoy your time while it lasts." Genna and Mike left us and I was engulfed in a bear hug.

Kenny's embrace was a place where I could bury myself. A place where I felt safe. A place I could call home.

"You were so good." Kenny felt so proud for me like I won an Oscar for the best actress.

"You are talking about the kite or the kiss?" Fuck! I could flirt. Well enough that I could see Kenny bite the inside of his cheeks.

"Kite flying. Your Kiss, I am yet to rate."

Clever Kenny. I didn't reply and just smiled. He pulled me close and leaned to kiss me again. I kept my palm between our lips. "Don't do this. It's not correct. You... Have a girlfriend Mr Kellar." I didn't know if I sounded like a broken heart teenager because I felt like one.

"Is that distancing you from me? Then let me tell you, I do. But since the start, I have felt something missing between us. I am happy with her. But that element, that zing you can't define but desire is just not there. With us, everything is planned to perfection and nothing is wrong which is why it doesn't excite."

"You rich people are never satisfied. You want flaws in perfection? What you are doing now is cheating on her, you realise that? I don't want to be a part of this disastrous act of yours. I suggest, forget what happened." I felt what I said. I hated people who two-timed.

"Forget what happened? Can you forget? Why did you kiss me? I want to know the moment that tempted you to give in." Kenny sounded a little angry but he deserved an answer.

"The moment you addressed me by my name. I was fed up with listening to Cooper. When you said, "Al stop", my thinking capacities also stopped and I kissed you out of happiness." Kenny's expressions had softened and he tried to remember if he said anything like that. He did.

"Mr Kellar, do you realise you are a dream of millions of girls, boys even. For just a glance of you, people can do anything, me included. I am an ardent fan of yours and never in my life did I think of being with you 24/7. It was so overwhelming. I appreciate your honesty in declaring your feelings and respect the fact that you gave me the freedom to choose. You could use your charm and trust me, I would have given in easily to the very tempting thought of sleeping with an incarnation of Eros."
Eh! I just didn't say that. It was so embarrassing. "To cut the long story short, let's just stick to you being a tourist and me being your guide."

"I have millions of fans but you are the only fan who excited me just by calling me "Kenny". Yes. The kiss I gave you a few moments back was not just for winning but, because I felt too precious that an incarnation of Aphrodite called me by my name."

Uh! So cheesy! I could puke on his remark.

"I am not cheating on Tia. Sometimes, you need to pause, to play without buffering. Tia and me are doing just that. I think it's better to call it quit rather than being in an unhappy and forced relationship."

"True. But Where do I fit in all this? I am not playing a rebound." Please don't play with my feelings, Kenny. My heart was begging. He kept quiet for a long time and I waited for him to say something.

"I don't know where you fit but you have a space in my life, somewhere. Rebound? Definitely not, Al. You are too exotic to be used as one. I think, I should leave tomorrow. I can't fight what I feel and I understand your inhibitions. I won't be able to stay for a day more without wanting to touch you and the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable. Let's pack up."

And just like that the rom-com featuring Kenny and Al, ended.
Dear Readers
Do you feel excited too when your special someone calls you by a special name?
Kenny and Albeli's story is about to end or is it just an interval?

Find out!
Stay hooked!
Lots of love

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