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The lovely couple returned home after the ball, Ambrose called the pack doctor to the main house to get Belle checked out.

Where the doctor did a check and found out that there is more than one baby in Belle's stomach. Ambrose could not believe the news. Belle was in tears, happy tears of what she was hearing. She will soon be a mother, the next few months Ambrose took care of Belle while he took care of the pack. Belle continued her work as Luna as much as Ambrose did not like it to be, but he respected her wishes.

Ambrose hand built the nursery in the main house, one of the empty rooms. They found out that they would have 5 babies at once, so they got 5 of everything. This is a huge task for them but they could do it. The king Alaric and the Queen sent many gifts for the babies that were not even born yet. Before the due date for Belle, both of them were told the genders of the babies. Ambrose almost passed out when he was told that he would have 4 daughters at once. And only have one boy, but still they were happy.

Leading up to the final days Belle's water broke. Ambrose called for the pack doctor, Corbin and Axel were in the room as well helping Belle during the birth.

" Okay Luna, the first baby is crowning so I need you to push when you feel an contraction".

" Okay. Ambrose!"

" I am right here Belle, hold my hand".

Ambrose was sitting behind Belle has Belle held both of his hands as she pushed. The first baby that came out was a girl. The baby girl had a pair of lungs on her. The baby was giving to a nurse that were in the room. Belle still had to push out 3 more babies.

When the next contraction came for Belle, as she push, the baby was another girl. She was crying as well. Belle got to see her baby girls before a moment of rest before she had to push again.

Two babies down and three more to go. Belle had a pretty good contraction and she push out the other baby but it was two, twins that were still in the sack. It was another girl and a boy. The doctor told them that they are fraternal twins by what he is seeing.

Belle was getting tried from it all but she has one more to go. Ambrose can sense the Belle is getting weak, so he hugs her tightly.

" Take my strength, use it all if you have to my dear Belle."

Belle focused on pushing out the last baby which was another girl. This baby did not cry at all, because of that, that made Ambrose and Belle really worried. Ambrose left Belle's to see his last baby, scared that it could be gone. He was real scared on what the doctor could say to him.

The doctor checked the last baby, everything seemed fine. So here wrapped the baby in pink blanket and hat, turning around placing the child in Ambrose's arms.

" She is okay....nothing is wrong with her?" Said Ambrose afraid to look at his daughter fearing the worst.

" Look at her Alpha. She is more than good. She just has a better temperament than her siblings. I think she might a healer, now she is very small for a baby. My guess is because of her siblings took all of the nourishment. She might not be strong in the future but she healthy."

" Ambrose, my baby, gave her to me".

Ambrose walked to Belle and place the little bean in Belle's arms. Belle cried seeing the small bean but Ambrose told Belle what the doctor told him. Ambrose told Belle that they will get through this no matter what, that it is not that they can't handle.

With all babies around them it was time for them to pick names. For the girls, the first one Ivy Marie Starkweather.

The second girl that was born Tabitha Elise Starkweather.

The two fraternal twins; Aries Michael Starkweather and Hailey Bridget Starkweather.

The last child, the last daughter, the runt, Ambrose's little bean, given the name Mirabelle Grace Starkweather.

Ambrose and Belle's love grew to five babies, and it will grow even more over the years as they watch them grow up.

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