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So a few years had pass for the Starkweather family. All of the children are 15, sophomores of their school. Not only that Ambrose and Belle love between each other has grown ever more strong.

Aries -

I am woken up the the sun rays hitting my face, I take a moment to myself before getting out of my bed. Stretching my limbs before heading to my bathroom for the morning shower. Thank goodness my parents put up a bathroom for just me, all because my sisters.

Finishing with my shower and getting dressed for the day I head down stairs for breakfast.

Mirabelle -

When I finish getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror in my room. Checking if my clothes were okay, good enough. Unlike myself I am very different from sisters even though we were born on the same day and have the same age.

However as I look, I think my outfit is good for today.

Walking into the kitchen I see mom sitting down at her seat along with dad

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Walking into the kitchen I see mom sitting down at her seat along with dad. I am usually the first one followed by my brother, my sisters take a longer time then anyone I have ever known.

My parents see me and they greet me, sitting down I build my plate and start to eat. Then right on time Aries is coming down the stairs. I gave him a smile and he give me one back while taking his seat at the table. Soon enough my sisters come down from their rooms and joins us for breakfast before heading off to school.

Luckily school is not far away, we can walk to the school but sisters are lazy as they could be. They would get rides from their friends and leave alone, walking to the school by myself.

Which happened this morning too, whatever as I got into the school I walk over to my locker to get the stuff I would need for the day. At the corner of my eye I see my best friend, Naomi dancing over to me. We hug and talk about the weekend even though it is Monday. As we talked I could see my other friend coming behind Naomi is no other than Ash. Ash gave Naomi a good scare, Naomi was giving Ash slaps on his shoulder. The rest of my friends showed up, Emerald, Coral, and Amina.

If you were wondering why a boy is with us, all girls. It is because he is into boys. I think he enjoys our company than others. I believe he gets a hard time for being who he is, which in my opinion real dumb. We are happy to have him in our group, he is a wonder friend. Whoever will his mate better treat him right.

All was good until Bianca, the head bitch of the school. Sorry for my language but she pushes my buttons so much, just want to push her face. Other than being very mean to almost every one in the school she is the biggest slut on two feet. She is trying to get with my brother, she wants to the Luna so bad but I highly doubt that she is there mate. She passes us by and we continue on to our classes for the day. When the 4th bell rang, it was time for lunch. This is the only bad thing for me, I eat lunch alone because one, my friends have different lunch times. Second worse thing is my siblings have the same period as I do.

One time, on the first day heading into the cafeteria I saw my sisters at a table so I thought that they would not mind if I sat with them, boy was I wrong. Since that day they made sure that I never look, or sit at any table of theirs.

For my brother, he sits with his friends. And I sure enough don't want to be a bother nor an embarrassment to my brother at school. So I ate alone, which is sad I know but I try not to think about it to much.

As I ate, I briefly look at my sisters table, they caught me and flipped me off. Geez what is their problem with me, I can not understand it. Rolling my eyes I focus on eating and reading my book. When the bell for lunch rang, meaning that lunch was over I got up to throw away my trash, heading back to homeroom class. Where I had two more classes before gym class. Not my favorite class in school.

Walking into the girls locker room to change, we need points to pass gym class by changing into different clothes. Changing into a stall, I am not comfortable in my body.

Standing the gym as the boys were playing with a basketball and the girls in their clicks talking away. Wearing shorts that you could see ass cheeks, very tasteless in my opinion. I see my brother playing with a basketball with his friends. I hope that one day I could be strong like the rest of my siblings. I mean I have Alpha blood in my, the oldest alpha blood.

The coaches came forward that we need to get into teams for the group activity. So I was push into a group of seven, I stayed in the back. We had to do a lot of exercising, then getting in front of the nets for the basketball. So far I was doing good...I think. But I am worried about shooting the basketball ball in the net. I can't stand being laughed at specially from my sisters that always try to find a way to humiliate me for some reason.

As I was in my thoughts my name was called. Oh crap its my turn. Arms don't fail me know, please.

The coach handed me the ball and I was testing it on the ground I was about to shoot when Haily talked.

" don't miss." " Weakling" She said under her breath but I heard it, everyone laughed. Shaking it off I ready myself again.

I missed, my arms are not working for me at all. When I missed the group I was in were muttering under their breaths about me. The coach gave the ball back, I have two more tries.

The second time I was able to get the ball in the net I was happy with myself. So for the third try I was able to get the ball in but it rim around the wrong and I lost the point. When that happen all I heard was the chatter behind me from my sisters and their friends. Aries got in front of me to tell me that I did good. And to not let them get to me. The coaches were impressed with me on the basketball nets for today's activities.

All broke up, we had free time so I was just going to sit down on the benches inside gym. I had my back turned when I heard my sister call out to me. It was Ivy, I was on her team. I kept my back turned because I did not want to deal with her bullying right now. But she never stop, I turned around and I saw she had a basketball in her hands, she starts to complain that I missed the team and something else, that is when my other sisters jumped in as well accusing me that I did, when I have no idea what they talking about.

I told them the truth that I had no idea what they were talking about but things got worse from there. Ivy had the basketball ball in her hand and she threw it and the ball hit my head with such force, the back of my head hit the bench as well.

The next thing I saw was darkness.

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